Example sentences of "those who die [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Levi goes on to insist that the real witnesses are those who died in the camps , and that those prisoners who did not were mostly compromised people or privileged people : Solzhenitsyn is cited as making the same point about the pridurki — the ‘ prominents ’ of the Gulag system .
2 Erected in 1919 , it has an addendum for those who died in the Second World War .
3 Those who died in the streets attempting to get away suffered the same agonizing fate and were stifled by the fumes .
4 Eva screamed after him , ‘ Think of those who died in the camps !
5 ON GUARD : a soldier on patrol at Musgrave Park Hospital , Belfast , passes floral tributes to those who died in the IRA bombing
6 Viscount Montgomery and Manfred Rommel honoured those who died in the desert battles led by their fathers .
7 Christ Church was closely involved in the aftermath of the disaster since no less than 29 of those who died in the local train , together with countless injured , came form the parish .
8 Christ Church has two other reminders of those who died in the disaster .
9 Silent citizens marched from the city centre to the mass grave of those who died in the flood released by the destruction of the dam .
10 His best work has a direct simplicity , benefits from its autobiographical inspiration , and stands as a worthy memorial to all those who died in the Spanish civil war .
11 And when I showed him a list of names I had collected ( why , I do not know , I had some notion of an appeal or inquiry ) , he read : ‘ Lynch , Connally , Egan , Kelly … etc. ’ and then he looked at me and added , ‘ I was looking at the lists of those who died in the recent great victories of general Gough at Aliwal and Sobraon in India .
12 The funerals have been held for those who died in the bombing on Belfast 's Shankhill Road .
13 Shay and Brenda who between them have 90 years experience of selling poppies in memory of those who died in the service of their country
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