Example sentences of "may [vb infin] themselves [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the following four sections we shall examine five different habits used by animals to avoid being eaten : potential prey may actively flee their predators , or they may stay still and try to be invisible , or they may stuff themselves with sickening chemicals and advertise their unpalatability with bright ‘ warning colours ’ , or they may mimic the warning colours of others , and finally , in some circumstances , an animal may make itself less likely to be eaten by living in a group .
2 In a contrasting approach , a number of writers have introduced the possibility that private agents , such as firms or workers , may bind themselves to fixed prices over periods long enough to permit within-period reaction by policy-makers .
3 Unless they can be guaranteed a post , they will consider alternatives at a time when they probably need to be free of distractions from their studies and may commit themselves to another job unnecessarily .
4 People may put themselves into residential care if they wish they will pay the whole of the bill .
5 Legal : Family members may get themselves into legal difficulties by " covering-up " for the actions of primary sufferers .
6 Different individuals may place themselves at different points in the middle of the continuum and use a range of varieties above and below their " home base " .
7 It would need to find private land on which to meet and other hunts across the region may find themselves with similar problems .
8 Under Conservative administrations the unions are persona non grata — their interests may be legislated against and their protests and strike actions ignored — whereas business interest groups may find themselves with special influence over public policy .
9 They trade with each other and then , next period , may find themselves on different islands and the whole process is repeated .
10 ‘ My fear is that people who are not suspected of committing an immigration offence may find themselves on this machine , which could have startling ramifications for them , ’ he said this week .
11 First-time buyers — especially in the South-east — frequently borrow to the very limit of their capacity to repay , and if there is a change for the worse in their circumstances , or if interest rates rise steeply , then they may find themselves in great difficulty .
12 Since migrants and alien communities obliged to leave en masse usually return to their countries of origin , they are not usually technically refugees ; nevertheless they may find themselves in refugee-like situations .
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