Example sentences of "him [prep] the position of " in BNC.

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1 They applied the well established ploy of neutralising the troublemaker by proposing him for the position of chairman , where he is obliged above all to be impartial .
2 The visitor of the last stanza comes ‘ more violent , more profound , / One soul , disdainful or disdained , ’ and in the condition of the year-spirit or , ‘ his shadowed beauty stained / The colour of the withered year ’ , to go to a death which places him in the position of savage sacrifice and , for he is surely related to the saints of Eliot 's other early poems , martyr ‘ Self-immolating on the Mound ’ .
3 If it enabled the latter the crucial theoretical move of being able to reject the classical empiricist conception of knowledge , it was also to put him in the position of even castigating as ‘ historicist ’ any attempts to account for theoretical discourse in terms of its historical conditions of production — perhaps one of the major ways in which he differed from Canguilhem and Foucault .
4 If an expert were employed to certify , make a valuation or appraisal or settle compensation as between opposing interests , this did not , of itself , put him in the position of an arbitrator .
5 Richard Elliott , the Headmaster , chose Francis as one of the first pupil teachers , and in due course promoted him to the position of junior teacher at the Margate branch of the Asylum .
6 As early as January 1961 a US Department of State report on Cuba argued that ‘ Castro , aware of [ growing discontent within Cuba ] and of the lack of decisive support by the Soviet countries is endeavouring , through his acts of provocation , to create a crisis against Cuba that will compel the Soviets to support him and will restore him to the position of anti-imperialist hero in the eyes of his own people and the Latin American masses ’ ( US Declassified , 1982 , 001697 ) .
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