Example sentences of "could be regard [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Because still in 1988 , under the pressure of social instability and political crises , homosexuality could be regarded as a kind of privation or error , an ‘ inverted positivity ’ , an inimical , pernicious , inauthenticity always threatening to return from within the true and the authentic .
2 Dana was steadily centred right in the middle of Libra , and so could be regarded as a perfectly balanced human being , with a true equivalence of male and female , physical and intellectual , animal and spiritual , and I think it was from this delicate balance , never upset , that his magnetic force of personality derived .
3 A novel like The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot , for instance , could be regarded as a latter-day Middlemarch , with Meg rising up and breaking free as Dorothea does , and it is possible to detect the influence of Wilson 's favourite writer , Dickens , in works as dissimilar as Anglo-Saxon Attitudes and No Laughing Matter .
4 The Christian idea of God as Trinity could be regarded as a bridge between the traditions of the Near East and the Far East .
5 The care taken over the disposal of the dead indicates a deeply held conviction that , provided the appropriate steps were taken , death could be regarded as a transitional state .
6 The capture of two 10lb bream from Grafham reservoir on fish imitating lures was treated as though the incidents were especially significant ; that lure fishing could be regarded as a specially good method for catching exceptionally big bream .
7 Indeed , it could be regarded as a measure of the previous work how little needs doing after the pilot .
8 By analogy , therefore , where the refusal of planning permission makes it impossible for a defendant to comply with the terms of a nuisance order , this could be regarded as a reasonable excuse .
9 If the intensification of use could be regarded as a material change of use , then planning permission would be required thus enabling any odour emission to be controlled by planning legislation .
10 Although the brief for the study could be regarded as a loose one , the full SSM was not formally applied by moving deliberately through each of the SSM stages , although in retrospect there were many similarities .
11 It would be a mistake , in Gandhi 's view , to allow ahi sā to become a fetish , and not to kill in certain circumstances could be regarded as a form of hi sā rather than ahi sā .
12 Certainly , if the memorandum could be regarded as a contract , there might be difficulties because the transaction was not supported by consideration .
13 The following year he could comment to journalists that he , as President of the Commission , could be regarded as a kind of European prime minister .
14 This could be regarded as a superior explanation to the others .
15 Rational choice models , like class conspiracy theories , can be considered as micro-reductive variations on the dominant ideology thesis , just as , I suggested earlier , the concept of racism as necessary false consciousness could be regarded as a macro-reductive correlate of ‘ irrational prejudice ’ arguments .
16 In general , Beccaria 's philosophy exhibits what could be regarded as a curious combination of concern with the rights of the individual under the social contract on the one hand , and utilitarian reductivism on the other — curious because rights theory and utilitarianism are often thought to be philosophically incompatible .
17 Profumo unfortunately succumbed to the charms of a Miss Christine Keeler who — casting my mind back — appeared at the time to be an attractive little thing , and whose very appearance could be regarded as a warning to every husband anxious to preserve his marriage .
18 Obviously , the case was stronger than the one actually provided for , so it could be regarded as a fortiori .
19 A lasting cellular change in output in response to a defined input is at the least a dramatic example of neural plasticity ; but even more than this , the very specific form that the response takes could be regarded as a form of memory .
20 Expressed in these general terms it is easy to see how such a code of rights could be regarded as a " good thing " .
21 This argument could be regarded as a rebuttable presumption , but then the inexorable logic of the theory breaks down ; it could not be said that legal rules were always to be determined by the ordinary courts .
22 Thus our very existence could be regarded as a confirmation of grand unified theories , though a qualitative one only ; the uncertainties are such that one can not predict the numbers of quarks that will be left after the annihilation , or even whether it would be quarks or antiquarks that would remain .
23 Although majority opinion in Ulster might have been prepared to let a power sharing Executive show what it could do , the same opinion was not prepared to accept the idea of a Council of Ireland since that could be regarded as a step towards unification of North and South .
24 This could be regarded as a pragmatic approach to the design of devices for the organization of knowledge by subject .
25 IF TASMANIA COULD BE REGARDED as a microcosm of what to expect from the great continent of Australia , Gould 's exhilaration as he sailed towards Sydney could not , understandably , have been higher .
26 The act could be regarded as a novus actus interveniens .
27 In this case that certainly was not so ; the ordinary means of access to the house was from the front of the house and to my mind it is very doubtful whether this yard could be regarded as a means of access to the house at all … in my view the section can not be extended beyond what was held in Brown 's case so as to include a yard of this kind .
28 Filmmakers were rarely imported from outside ( Thorold Dickinson , who was allowed in to make Secret People in 1952 , could be regarded as an ‘ old boy ’ since he had worked at the studio during Basil Dean 's time ) and , with five directors responsible for two-thirds of the films made at the studio between 1942 and 1955 , there was little competition inside the studio , and no exposure to fresh ideas from outside .
29 A factor which could be regarded as an act of God now intervened .
30 This sentence could be regarded as an elliptical version of the deductive explanation given in ( 27 ) .
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