Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [art] answer to " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore extremely encouraging that , only this morning , my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State took the 250,000th call on the single market hotline — and he could give the answer to the caller 's question .
2 His notion of what ( or even when ) the middle ages were remains extremely vague ; his conviction that the values they embodied could provide an answer to the Condition of England question was correspondingly intense .
3 As a result , American Can decided that relocation could provide the answer to consolidating its head office activities and could also meet the company 's need to be more centrally based in larger , more suitable accommodation .
4 They had no Chief Rabbit — no , how could they ? — for a Chief Rabbit must be El-ahrairah to his warren and keep them from death : and here there was no death but one , and what Chief Rabbit could have an answer to that ?
5 Species not yet discovered could hold the answer to world hunger .
6 The image is in Gandalf 's mind when he says to Théoden , ‘ There are children in your land who , out of the twisted threads of story , could pick the answer to your question . ’
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