Example sentences of "could [be] described [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Stock buffo characters Marcellina and Bartolo ( Ann Howard and David Gwynne ) added lightness and comedy to what could be described as a serious interpretation of The Marriage of Figaro , not as effervescent as some would have liked but thoroughly convincing just the same — and one in which the complex ensemble were particularly memorable .
2 Mr Bézier saw that a shape — any shape — could be described as a set of mathematical equations to fit the series of curves which formed its outline .
3 Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh .
4 Neither of them could be described as a sobering influence .
5 The Ratepayers ' Magazine could be described as a local ‘ Private Eye ’ .
6 I suppose this could be described as a severe hair-style , but it was quite common among the women of Eastern Europe .
7 Not until the growth of the nuclear disarmament movement in the 1950s were significant bridges rebuilt between the two wings of what , in the 1920s , could be described as a single pacifist movement .
8 Days later , glutted with our experiences , we knew we had created a ‘ wonder walk ’ , a two week trek which could be described as a jewel in the Atlas crown .
9 Less than one third of respondents who had a mother living included her as a person to whom they felt very close , and hardly any had what could be described as a ‘ true ’ close relationship with their mother ( using criteria developed from the Brown and Harris study ) .
10 Twenty miles from Innsbruck and perched some 4,300 feet above sea level on the Wildmoos plateau , Seefeld in the Summer could be described as a huge 19th hole .
11 The book itself could be described as a personal history of the Special Boat Service in World War II , as the author himself took part in several of the actions described .
12 These could be described as a New Form of production .
13 As few as one in twenty of the sample could be described as a utilitarian scientist of puritan middle-class background .
14 And as she spoke , Mrs Denham , in the garden below , suddenly leaped to her feet , and started gathering up her things ; they could not catch what she was saying , but she seemed faintly agitated , and Martin too got to his feet , though not with any movement that could be described as a leap , and appeared to offer , though ineffectively , to help with his baby .
15 SCAN could be described as a possible shorthand notation for observers .
16 This could be described as a ‘ prophet and disciples ’ approach to organizational change .
17 Stenhouse 's concept of ‘ the teacher as researcher ’ could be described as a prescription for the process of teacher development , although the process , as he conceives it , is not natural but learned .
18 It may well be that he could be described as a statutory tenant ; but that description would not itself accurately define his precise position , for he was a statutory tenant against whom a final order had been made , under which possession was to be delivered up on a fixed date , 3 April 1950 , he having died on the previous 8 March .
19 Alexander , always a connoisseur of garments , realised that Frederica had changed her style , that the clothes the young creatures were wearing could be described as a parody of the clothes Frederica had worn at their age , and that Frederica 's new style was not unrelated to this shift .
20 The correspondence of Alcuin reveals that there was opposition within Mercia to the succession of Ecgfrith , presumably from princes who felt in danger of being excluded from the succession , and Offa evidently embarked on what could be described as a purge of these opponents .
21 This difference could be described as a conflict between ‘ discovery ’ on the one hand and ‘ showing ’ on the other .
22 The growth of world markets , to which the logic of capitalist development had to lead , has produced international brands of clothes , fast food chains , cigarettes , drinks , cars and advertising campaigns , culminating in what could be described as a ‘ Club Class ’ global , affluent lifestyle .
23 This could be described as a hybrid Bill and , in a sense , we are considering two questions at the same time .
24 Looked at from the perspective of land distribution and usage , Great Britain could be described as a predominantly agricultural kingdom based on the three countries of England , Scotland , and Wales .
25 it at best could be described as a an early attempt to make progress , but there 's no commitment on behalf of the County Council or I suspect , by the relevant district councils to er that report .
26 ‘ There 's no way this could be described as a nine-to-five job — there 's a lot of paperwork , talks in the evening , setting up press and photo calls , meetings and weekend opening .
27 Asked what could be described as a difference between France 's success and the rest of the Five Nations , field coach Pierre Berbizier stated : ‘ It is the cup . ’
28 Vivian Hart , for example , could be described as a political scientist , who has found herself delving into history .
29 By way of a quite proper analogy , suppose there were a certain amazing truth , that all and only the members of one species of tree , say Turner 's Oak , could be described in a given language by sentences of a certain deep structure , or simply a rare surface-grammatical sequence : indefinite article , a curious gerund , preposition of a certain sort , and so on .
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