Example sentences of "could [adv] [be] sure [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Even afterwards he could only be sure if he asked her , and she would think that odd .
2 Firstly , he could not be sure whether other surviving members of the killer pack might arrive at any moment to join the attack on him .
3 In the morning , Gabriel could not be sure whether she had been there or not .
4 It is true that , without a test , a country like Iraq could not be sure that its bomb would go off .
5 But knowledge of the English burnings was widespread , and Scottish Protestants could not be sure that something similar might not now happen to them .
6 Without a test , a renegade bomb-builder could not be sure that his bomb would go off .
7 The husbandman 's argument appears to have been this : he could easily determine by the above methods whether the seed-bed was ready for the corn and whether the soil was of the right tilth : but be could not be sure that the soil was warm enough to allow the seed to germinate .
8 For a moment he thought that a sprinkling of light fell wherever Fael-Inis walked , but as it touched the floor it vanished , and he could not be sure that he had seen it at all .
9 Corbett had been alone with her for five minutes when she died , but Mr Justice McKinnon told the jury ’ You simply could not be sure that in the short time Danielle was under his control he caused her death .
10 Lord Taylor , the Lord Chief Justice , sitting with Mr Justice Judge and Mr Justice Hidden , said they could not be sure that the original trial jury would have reached the same verdict if it had heard evidence which had since come to light .
11 They found female orgasms unpredictable and could not be sure when , or sometimes why , they happened .
12 The problem was that I could not be sure if this was your true feeling for me , or just your terror of Mathilde 's ghosts making you cling to me in that delightful and extremely inflammatory fashion .
13 Then all at once , so subtly that I could hardly be sure when I first saw it , I realised that the sky was full of movement , small shadowy shapes skimming low over the ground , silently , as if bats or night-time swallows were criss-crossing my line of vision , swarming between the broch and the sea .
14 For years those of us who have played a cat and mouse game with cagey manager Billy Bingham over team selections could always be sure that Donaghy 's name would be the first one down on the sheet .
15 Although I did what I could to try to conceive a girl , I could n't be sure that I had .
16 She was afraid then , rather as a skier might feel when he looks down the steep whiteness of a dangerous slope , or a high diver who seems far above the water , but the sensation was so unusual to her that she could n't be sure that it was entirely unpleasant still strongly mixed , as it was , with curiosity .
17 While grudgingly accepting Mr Rosen 's line that there were some good teachers who did teach properly , he was quick to counter with the challenge that ‘ we could n't be sure that it was happening elsewhere ’ .
18 There had n't been a show , I had no contractions and I could n't be sure that my waters had broken . ’
19 Could n't be sure that if he walked back in now she would n't still feel that leap of the heart , that curl of excitement .
20 When he woke he gazed up at Dot almost as though he knew her , yet she could n't be sure if he really saw her , for his eyes had a distant faraway look like a sailor in the Navy staring across the Pacific seas .
21 The detector was recording neutrons all right , but they could n't be sure if there were neutrons coming from the cell over and above those coming from natural sources , such as cosmic rays and general radioactive ‘ dirt ’ around the lab .
22 thought bream to be the culprits , but could n't be sure because so far I had not seen any prime out in the swim to indicate they were , in fact , present there .
23 He laughed with other actors , was outrageous in restaurants , shouting orders to waiters who could never be sure if he was being serious or playing another part .
24 These were moved frequently so that terrorists could never be sure where the next checkpoint would be .
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