Example sentences of "its support for the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Structure Plan Review ( to 2005 ) , under preparation , will not achieve significant levels of materiality until well after the initial Consultative Draft stage , indeed , until Lothian Regional Council has publicly determined its support for the premises , assumptions , forecasts , policies and proposals developed through the public participation process and subsequently supported by the Director of Planning .
2 The government , claiming that granting the pilots ' wage demand would set off a wage explosion and damage the economy , expressed its support for the airlines and took unprecedented steps to break the strike .
3 HCIMA jointly awards the Level IV NVQ but has also pledged its support for the qualifications at Levels I-III .
4 Together with the London boroughs , the LAB attaches a high priority to helping to nurture the audiences , performers and producers of the future through its support for the arts in schools and for organisations which work for young people .
5 The Group extended its support for the arts during 1992 , in particular sponsoring the revival of Xerxes at the English National Opera and the Royal Academy of Arts ' Summer Exhibition in London , which is the premier event of its type in the UK .
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