Example sentences of "some [prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] remember " in BNC.

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1 SOME of you may remember me appealing for help to form a national organisation to write to prisoners on death row in the Caribbean .
2 Now , some of you may remember , in the words of the old Depression song , ‘ a time when everything was cheap ’ .
3 Some of you may remember households where there were servants .
4 Some of you may remember her because we stayed at her hotel er a little while ago and she has a lovely horse chestnut tree er outside her hotel and since we went it stopped producing conkers .
5 Which are quite frightening about opting out , erm some of you will remember that we 'd attended Welwyn Garden City on a picket a month ago , and erm as a result of campaigning there , within the hospital , with the press and the Council , they have been turned down so they are not being allowed to opt out .
6 Some of you will remember 's suggestion a while back of writing to TSB and the Programme desk with info about the list .
7 We were proud to participate in the CCPR Wembley Festivals of Movement and Dance in 1955 , 1958 and 1963 , which some of you will remember , and so it was with particular pleasure we accepted the invitation to join in the celebrations to be held on 20th April at the Royal Albert Hall .
8 Many of you wanted to have a follow-up to the successful day on working with the elderly held earlier this year , and we have therefore asked , who some of you will remember from that day , to give specific tips on how to ‘ handle ’ elderly people ; has also agreed to share some of her knowledge and experience with us later in the year .
9 Some of you will remember that he makes a distinction between what he calls and I quote , ‘ A dead thing .
10 And we had elaborate rules for , for doing this erm some of us will remember , but on the other hand a large number of people listening wo n't remember , though perhaps they were taught that .
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