Example sentences of "them as [adv] as possible " in BNC.

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1 Circulate them as widely as possible .
2 The cost of developing new innovative products is extremely high ; companies must be able to defray the high front-end cost associated with translating inventions into commercially successful products by marketing them as widely as possible around the world .
3 I resolved to explain the situation to them as briefly as possible , make a plea for money and then very rapidly leave .
4 Gollum explains them as materialistically as possible .
5 try following them as closely as possible almost touching their tail .
6 The brewers of these beers want to produce them as fast as possible and use chemical additives to speed up fermentation , cut down on yeast head to get more liquid into the fermenters and to produce a beer with a thick head of foam .
7 Provided that they have done so , and that the child has been matched with them as carefully as possible so that they can best meet his or her needs , their situation is likely to be no different from that of any other family with teenagers .
8 Think about the shape of the flowers that you are pressing and try to place the blotting paper on top of them as carefully as possible to ensure that they will lie flat under the weights , because once they are permanently pressed you can not start again .
9 However , at a unit cost of 10p we want to use them as effectively as possible .
10 To the uninitiated it might seem that the shunters are engaged in a game of hide-and-seek with the trucks ; they appear to scatter them all over the yard , as if their object were to separate many of them as completely as possible .
11 Send photographs if available ; if not , take some and forward them as soon as possible .
12 This booklet has been produced to help you identify potential dangers and correct them as soon as possible .
13 The best solution to bristleworms is to remove them as soon as possible when setting up a tank , perhaps by quarantining living rock and corals before introduction into the display tank .
14 It is as yet far from complete , with only half a dozen of the country 's forty-plus aerodromes included , but subscribers are promised that the remainder will be issued them as soon as possible .
15 But when the great general of the Civil War , Oliver Cromwell , lost his temper with the Rump Parliament for trying to monopolize power , and made himself supreme instead , he regretted this war between Protestant countries and set out to make peace between them as soon as possible .
16 At this time of year cuttings wilt rapidly , so pop them straight into a polythene bag and prepare them as soon as possible .
17 This booklet has been produced to help you identify potential dangers and correct them as soon as possible .
18 Even to get this much he had had to agree to a number of statutes which he construed as so prejudicial that he vowed to repeal them as soon as possible .
19 I need to speak to Governor Nicholson about them as soon as possible , do you understand ? ’
20 We can not ignore , therefore , the possibility of our oil tax revenues running out or reducing , and it is important to find ways of becoming independent of them as soon as possible .
21 This will be sent on Monday 29th March , so if you have any comments on it please let me have them as soon as possible .
22 Our task now is to work to persuade him to reverse them as soon as possible , so that legal aid can once again serve its purpose of enabling all those unable to afford legal advice and representation to have access to justice ’ .
23 So , er , I 'm sure we all know them , how to stop them coming , or get rid of them as soon as possible .
24 Plant them as soon as possible after you buy them .
25 If there is a Community Insulation Project in your area , NEA will arrange for you to be contacted by them as soon as possible .
26 Police have appealed for witnesses , and ask anyone in the vicinity of Mudchute Station between three o'clock and three-thirty this afternoon to contact them as soon as possible . ’
27 There had been so much else to do : such as leaving a brief note for Julie , and also contacting her office to explain the problem and that she 'd be in touch with them as soon as possible .
28 I am working with them on what can be done to help them as soon as possible . ’
29 Please return them as soon as possible , rather than using them for storage .
30 A young child faced with a row of cups and a pile of saucers might have no other way of finding whether he has enough saucers to put with the cups than to match them as far as possible , one-to-one .
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