Example sentences of "only a tiny [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 But experts warned computer users that Friday 13th viruses are only a tiny proportion of the 30 or so known types of virus which exist , and that they would be wise to keep taking precautions .
2 Deep in the shade of the forest , few flowers are formed and pods are even rarer , for another peculiarity of cocoa is that only a tiny proportion of flowers — less than one per cent — are successfully pollinated .
3 In fact , only a tiny proportion of the inhabitants of Florida have two legs , and even most of them do n't call it Florida .
4 Although most enterprise unions are affiliated to a number of national labour federations , industrial or trade unions which include workers from many different firms make up only a tiny proportion of Japanese labour unions .
5 The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have been debated in the House .
6 They refer on to specialists only a tiny proportion of people with mental disorder , usually those with severely upsetting or difficult problems such as new psychotic illnesses , very severe depression or disabling anxiety disorders .
7 Historically , what has come to be known as the Third World has attracted only a tiny proportion of all the foreign investment that has taken place , while the economies of many poor countries , and even some rich ones , are commonly said to be dominated by foreign capital and/or foreign firms .
8 ‘ It is scandalous that only a tiny fraction of cars in the UK have catalysts fitted .
9 For most materials — like iron and stone — it takes only a tiny fraction of a calorie to raise the temperature by one degree C.
10 One pregnancy in five now ends in abortion , only a tiny fraction of 1% have ever been carried out to save the life of the mother .
11 Today , the Croats insist that the number of Serbs , gypsies and Jews massacred in the camps of the quisling Axis-allied Croatian state was only a tiny fraction of that claimed by the communists .
12 The opponents maintained that the secondary market serves only a tiny fraction of American artists , most of whom are already quite rich .
13 A great many theoretical physicists would be prepared to express some unease about the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics — in particular , about Copenhagen orthodoxy — but only a tiny fraction of them ever direct serious attention to such questions .
14 Though the antarctic ice-cap is estimated to contain 90% of the world 's water , only a tiny fraction of it becomes available each year for living material .
15 Yet it remains true that only a tiny fraction of legal matters end up in court .
16 Thus only a tiny fraction of passengers ( 0.7I per cent ) travelled in the luxurious first class .
17 However , the particles in even the most opaque Cytherean clouds account for only a tiny fraction of the atmospheric volume occupied by the cloud , and therefore the cloud particles , as on the Earth , are minor atmospheric components .
18 Though volatiles represent only a tiny fraction of the masses of the terrestrial planets , they endow Venus , the Earth , and Mars with interesting phenomena such as atmospheres , oceans , polar caps and , at least in the case of the Earth , a biosphere .
19 According to Guth , the radius of the universe increased by a million million million million million ( 1 with thirty zeros after it ) times in only a tiny fraction of a second .
20 During the 1980s , only a tiny fraction of 1 per cent .
21 In a sweeping review of the various domains by which proteins bind to DNA , Aaron Klug ( MRC , Cambridge ) revealed the diversity of structures that have evolved to meet the requirements of physical stability and evolutionary flexibility imposed by the need to recognize only a tiny fraction of the binding sites available in an entire genome .
22 Only a tiny percentage of students I have ever met have been to a seminar or a lecture .
23 I will argue later in Chapter 6 that powerless groups are not a small minority especially when we realize that the cherished pattern of lifetime employment applies to barely 30 per cent of labour , within which there are only a tiny percentage of women .
24 The good news is that only a tiny percentage of these viruses are found in the ‘ wild ’ , perhaps as few as 50 .
25 Only a tiny minority of the lymphocytes , probably fewer than 3 per cent of them , have receptors specifically fitting those of the antigens of the invader .
26 Except in the various branches of victualling the effective upper limit was just about £40 — indeed , only a tiny minority of assessments exceeded £20 .
27 Hence , by the 1920s and 1930s , only a tiny minority of Burmese politicians had come up via the ladder of education and training in Britain , by which Gandhi , Jinnah and Nehru had risen .
28 So far , only a tiny minority of the 36 million law-abiding charge payers in this country have chosen to face that ultimate sanction .
29 A joint session of the Congress approved a constitutional reform of Chile 's system of regional and local government on Nov. 9 , with only a tiny minority of the right-wing opposition failing to support it .
30 Many English Catholics remained deeply committed to the Stuart dynasty , for obvious reasons , although they were only a tiny minority of the population .
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