Example sentences of "only [verb] [art] [adj] amount " in BNC.

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1 You only got the same amount of money end of the week .
2 Even Signor Grignaffini with his big stomach could only eat a certain amount at one time .
3 One coach only needs a small amount of work to restore it to its original condition , but the other requires extensive work .
4 Mm , so you only want a small amount then really do n't you ?
5 I am sure this would help many fishkeepers not only to provide the right amounts for their fish but also to use the correct food types/varieties of which there must be several dozens on the market .
6 They are small and can only carry a small amount of human DNA ( which substitutes for some of the viral genome , providing additional safety as well as more space ) , and only infect dividing cells .
7 The letters alone , however , could only achieve a limited amount .
8 The most informative is undoubtedly that caused by Gundovald 's claim to the throne , since Gregory of Tours not only allocates a considerable amount of space to the rebellion itself , but also provides evidence in the ensuing books of the Histories which illuminates the nature of the " pretender's ' following .
9 On the other hand , on a computer screen you can only see a small amount of information at any given time , whereas with index cards you can lay them out across a table or on the floor for an overview .
10 Okay , well now , what I would like you to do please er because we 've only got a limited amount of time , er incidentally some of you still have n't divide collecting er a small group going with Peter I
11 That 's what annoys me with erm these big company 's you know , opening on Sunday 's really , because er , you can only get the money , I mean they 've only got a certain amount
12 The possession charge had been dropped because her daughter had only had a small amount on her .
13 The great advantages of using a computer lie in its ability to select the records of specific kinds of people very much more quickly than is possible with a manual record system , and to extract and present information required in a wide variety of formats These two applications of a computer not only save a vast amount of time .
14 Of the three informants ( 10% ) who marked it , at this late stage , as an SF element , two indicated that they only read a small amount of SF , and the other said that she never read anything of the genre .
15 As the moisture content of the wood in an unheated structure may be around 15 per cent , it only requires a small amount of damp in an unventilated corner to get the rot going .
16 A normal two page A4 fax can demand up to 200k and it only requires a moderate amount of activity before faxes are stretching the memory requirements of any system to the limits .
17 We only get a certain amount a week off our dad [ parents separated ] and that 's about it — and what I take home . ’
18 The disadvantages are the limitations that are placed on the observer who can only gain a limited amount of information without intruding and thus altering the spontaneity of the behaviour .
19 Clearly , local authorities will only have a limited amount of money to spend as opposed to Government support , which is at present guaranteed . ’
20 I was comfortably warm using the main bag and bivvy bag for an outdoor bivvy ( lowest temperature +5°C ) and only found a small amount of condensation on the inside when I woke up .
21 ‘ Yes , but we could only take a certain amount of weight . ’
22 Since any glass can only take a certain amount of fluid it represents an easy way of thinking of our body 's limitations to the amount of stress we can endure .
23 However , in recent years the methodological changes outlined in Chapter I have not only reduced the relative amount of work in this field , but also transferred the focus of interest away from the fairly limited concept of land use towards not only the more abstract concept of landscape , but increasingly to behavioural studies of how we value land and landscapes .
24 Even then you only use the minimum amount of force , ’ he says .
25 Did he only get a small amount of money ?
26 These masks only allowed a small amount of light to escape through a central slot , which could be covered by a red slide to convert it to a tail lamp .
27 You can register a letter for any country , but you would only receive a small amount of compensation for loss or damage .
28 We were not terribly surprised when he was informed that he would only receive the basic amount , since he had been lucky enough to get a golden handshake .
29 You know we only imported a small amount but all the same there was always enough to meet demand .
30 If you dislike the aroma , you have only wasted a tiny amount of essential oil .
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