Example sentences of "did not want go to " in BNC.

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1 She did not want to go to the beach because the beach meant the bikini , and spending all afternoon sucking in her gut and wondering why her skin went straight from fishbelly white to lobster red while all the other kids had golden tans .
2 The main problem was that many graduates did not want to go to units where conditions were not seen as ‘ suitable ’ to their requirements .
3 " The burial regulations and provision of mourning " , notes Stephen Jones , " make it plain that many a coasting man did not want to go to his maker like his deep-sea brother , sliding down a plank in a canvas sack with the last stitch through his nose " .
4 I did not want to go to prison again .
5 She did not want to go to her parents through fear of her father and because she might run into her baby 's father .
6 All she knew was that , unlike Cinderella , she did not want to go to Roman 's ball …
7 ‘ He did not want to go to prison , so he decided to try out one of the well-known methods of avoiding prison by offering his services as a police informer , ’ Mr Roberts said .
8 But I really did n't want to go to Combe Court .
9 I did n't want to be naughty , but I really did n't want to go to Combe Court .
10 I did n't want to stay there and I did n't want to go to Combe Court , cos I hate it and it smells and the Captain slobbers in his food and Christmas is horrible with no good prezzies and Annie not there .
11 ‘ I had been rowing with my dad since I was little , so I did n't want to go to his new family with my brother .
12 I 'm only here under duress because I did n't want to go to court over this nonsense .
13 — I told the Warden that I did n't want to go to no hospital but he never listened .
14 Fiona returned , pulling on a fluffy white wrap over her red silk dress , saying she really did n't want to go to the dinner and being persuaded again by her husband .
15 It started on April 19th , a Sunday ; and the next day I did n't want to go to school .
16 I did n't want to go to bed , because I did n't want to miss anything .
17 We did n't have many chips , but that was because my mother did n't want to go to the bother of making them , nor did she like the mess that boiling , spluttering fat can make .
18 If he did n't want to go to court for a very minor offence , then you could caution him .
19 She did n't want to go to London .
20 She did n't want to go to New Zealand .
21 Now she did n't want to go to an expensive restaurant in the West End .
22 And knitting needles that to my little fingers were like rolling pins you know and they were long and they got under my arms and I always used to have a tummy ache on knitting day cos I did n't want to go to school .
23 But he did n't want to go to the bloody thing , not after what they 'd done to the poor old man .
24 They reminded me of the passengers on board a hijacked plane , forced to fly to some destination they did n't want to go to , yet unable to get out of their seats to do something about it .
25 Diana did n't want to go to Queen 's , so she went home early , but Gilbert stayed .
26 Since he wanted to delay the ceremony , but did n't want to go to the trouble of desecrating any graves , he only had one option .
27 It appeared that he would lose money by this cancellation and despite his liking for the seaside he did n't want to go to Bournemouth .
28 He did n't want to go to Switzerland : if he did go , the chances were that he would be interned there for the rest of the war .
29 That 's why I did n't want to go to the edge because I wanted to try and do my own .
30 I wanted a drink , but I did n't want to go to a pub at that time of the evening , when the rush would be on , and the serious drinkers getting down to it .
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