Example sentences of "well turn [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 As companies that do fall victim to computer crime prefer to deal with the problem internally , personnel security may well turn out to be the most vital component in a firm 's defences .
2 There are more Neanderthal features present , although some postcranial characters may well turn out to be more widespread plesiomorphies when data from other , non-Neanderthal , samples are known .
3 The impact of the Schlunk decision on actual practice may well turn out to be quite limited , for the Court went out of its way to spell out the advantages of using the machinery of the Convention :
4 An interpretation which sees postmodernist organization as simply another form of totalitarianism may just as well turn out to be appropriate as one which celebrates its pluralism .
5 ‘ It may well turn out to be diverting . ’
6 The buzz word of Nineties skin care may well turn out to be ‘ liposomes ’ .
7 We are told that Tamburlaine is ‘ misled by dreaming prophecies ’ in the opening scene , and this may well turn out to be true .
8 Improvements in this area may well turn out to be the most difficult to achieve .
9 The main effect of the 1992 programme may well turn out to be psychological , that is to turn the attention of producers from the EC , and other developed economies , towards the European market and to encourage them to gather information on the markets of Europe .
10 Dave Sims opened Northampton up and prop Andy Deacon bulldozed through to score what could well turn out to be on of the most important tries of the season …
11 Although I had kept in contact with several school friends from St Paul 's , I knew only one who was likely to have surplus accommodation in London , and I considered she might well turn out to be my one hope of not having to spend the rest of my life on a train somewhere between Romford and Regent 's Park .
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