Example sentences of "no [noun] expect [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I have to say that since deregulation there is no evidence to suggest that safety standards have been significantly affected , and there is no reason to expect that privatisation of the Scottish Bus Group would affect safety .
2 There is no reason to expect that unemployment will recede of its own accord , and Britain is far from alone in these problems .
3 There is often no reason to expect such patterns and one may expect that longitudinal correlations will usually give a curve such as A ( Fig. 19.5 ) .
4 The perception of social advantage in general abstention from collective bargaining is too remote from the circumstances of the individual worker for him ever to support through the ballot box a general prohibition on trade unions , let alone to abstain privately from their immediate protection in a world where there is no reason to expect other workers to confer a reciprocal advantage on him by similar abstention .
5 Our own experiments with people 's ability to juggle credit-cost options give no reason to expect different results here .
6 Second , although there is no reason to expect any model to be other than linear and additive , there is an argument , presented by Flowerdew ( 1988 ) , which says that since the response variable compromises count data , the appropriate regression model should combine a Poisson error distribution with an identity link function ( see Aitkin et al. 1989 ; 217 ) .
7 This time when he raised his hands they were quiet at once , no doubt expecting another ditty , but instead , Bobby took his chance .
8 Down on the beach a covering party under Lieutenant Nisbet added to the Japanese confusion , for they rushed reinforcements to the shore , no doubt expecting this raid was made from the sea .
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