Example sentences of "more appropriate [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , because the reptation is assumed to occur by migration of a segmental kink along the chain , the force needed to do this is applied one segment at a time and so it is more appropriate to use the frictional factor per segment ζ .
2 This description fits the observable characteristics and progress of the disease , although it might be more appropriate to substitute the social term " " sensitivity " " for the strictly clinical term " allergy " .
3 Some might argue that it would be more appropriate to treat the recent ‘ Troubles ’ in Northern Ireland ( from 1968 to the present ) as an example of guerrilla or civil warfare .
4 But surely it would be more appropriate to see the two perspectives as complementary .
5 It is perhaps more appropriate to regard the personal/subjective and objective forms of discourse merely as different forms of textual practice : putting " voice " into text is just a stylistic convention .
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