Example sentences of "more detailed [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 More detailed accounts of grain orientation methods from thin sections are given in Bonham & spotts ( 1971 ) and Gibbons ( 1972 ) .
2 At this more detailed level of analysis , the most important shift in the geography of manufacturing since the mid-1960s has been the decline of the inner cities and the conurbations and the relative growth of outer metropolitan areas and smaller towns .
3 I WANT now to move to a more detailed consideration of Flame in the Streets as it contains many of the features with which I am concerned .
4 More detailed consideration of material requirements should allow multiplexing ( the use of one channel for several messages ) of such devices .
5 A more detailed description of normalisation is now given .
6 Then two further pages followed which gave a more detailed forecast of weather conditions , warnings , outlook , winds at altitude and freezing level .
7 The more detailed observations of animal behaviour made in this century suggest a different conclusion .
8 If the 17 keV neutrino were proved to exist , far more detailed surveys of beta decay would start to pin down its properties and to look for others .
9 Chapter 1 outlines the fundamental concepts of chromatography , leading into more detailed coverage of band broadening mechanisms and peak-shape models — important areas which are often overlooked in the current literature .
10 Factors controlling the global occurrence of volcanism are evaluated by Clapperton ( 1977 ) while more detailed analyses of volcano spacing are presented by Mohr and Wood ( 1976 ) and Vogt ( 1974 ) .
11 A more detailed discussion of quartz grains as indicators of provenance is given by Folk ( 1974b ) who includes further references .
12 For a more detailed discussion of operating systems see Hansen ( 1973 ) , Madnick and Donovan ( 1974 ) , or Lister ( 1975 ) .
13 A set of statutory guidelines , similar to those proposed in Australia , indicating factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a director has met the relevant standard might also have educative value and be useful in stimulating the development of a more detailed body of jurisprudence .
14 At this level of analysis it is not possible to distinguish adequately between a diurnal raptor , some of the owls , or mammalian carnivores , and a rather more detailed form of analysis becomes necessary .
15 However , this should not be taken to imply that this approach does not have its critics or that all researchers working within the developmental paradigm are in agreement regarding the more detailed aspects of language development .
16 STATUS_RETURN — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of ERROR_RETURN_DETAIL is required .
17 STATUS_RETURN — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of ERROR_RETURN_DETAIL is required .
18 STATUS_RETURN — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of ERROR_RETURN_DETAIL is required .
19 STATUS_RETURN — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of ERROR_RETURN_DETAIL is required .
20 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of ERROR_RETURN_DETAIL is required .
21 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of ERROR_RETURN_DETAIL is required .
22 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
23 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
24 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
25 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
26 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
27 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
28 STATUS_RETURN/ — returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
29 returns TRUE if no errors are detected and the operation is successfully completed , or FALSE if an error has occurred , indicating that a more detailed examination of RETURN_DETAIL is required .
30 Table 12.1 shows a more detailed breakdown of expenditure .
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