Example sentences of "more difficult [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
2 To that end , she tried to keep alive Cissie 's love for her brother , although it was proving more and more difficult as the girl frequently pointed out , ‘ He ai n't the same , Beth .
3 This decline in the proportion living in privately rented accommodation also resulted in an improvement in the living conditions of the poorest section of the community — though it made the housing situation of some groups even more difficult as the pool of the cheapest and poorest accommodation shrank .
4 But for a schoolboy , you will appreciate this was not easy , and became more and more difficult as the amount of lecture work and breeding costs increased .
5 The tail-in circle is very easy in flat calm conditions and becomes progressively more difficult as the wind strength increases .
6 It became more difficult with the birth of his first son in 1990 .
7 Yes Chairman , the figure of a hundred thousand as we said did , was erm a figure quoted on by account chief 's executive of the purchasing consortium erm , that was spoken at a public meeting held here in Harlow last week erm the issue of the the transport around the area erm , was accepted by the the chief executive of the health authority erm or of that of the consortium erm , and the and the view that it would be much more difficult with the lack of public transport to get to the more relo , remote areas of Essex the the reason that the erm reduced use of London was put into this report was also erm , clearly stated by the chief executive , i it 's their clear aim to provide more of , to purchase more of the services from within the north Essex area , and that was stated in a major part of the conta , of of their erm achievements and that automatically means a reduced amount of choice for those people who would otherwise for , to London .
8 Once the activities of an organisation have been divided up , they need to be coordinated and this becomes more difficult with the complexity of the organisation 's activities .
9 It 's more difficult with the family there .
10 And if these plagues are carefully timed to occur a prime number of years apart , it makes it that much more difficult for the enemies to synchronize their own life cycles .
11 However , the presence of the physical handicap will make it more difficult for the person to eventually lead an independent life .
12 Third , a soft UK policy on abuse of market power will make it more difficult for the UK to argue that the EC should strengthen its merger policy .
13 It is a truism that constitutional constraints make it more difficult for the assembly or the society to change its mind on important questions .
14 The problems of housing were more difficult for the individual to solve and assistance was necessary from both central government , in the form of finance , and from local government , in the form of flexibility in the operation of planning controls .
15 Police Force ( or Constabulary ) ’ Wilful obstruction means a deliberate , intentional act which makes it more difficult for the policeman to carry out his duty .
16 By contrast , answering some questions about intervals between dates is much more difficult for the bottom third when no calendar is provided than when it is ; the top third are about as successful whether or not a calendar is provided .
17 Walking without full control of the spasticity would only make it more difficult for the patient to gain that control in the longer term .
18 In 1992–93 , as the UK recession continued and banks went on reducing staff numbers , things became more difficult for the Institute and many of its members .
19 Be alert to the possibility of change to cross-talk between four people , which is much more difficult for the speechreader .
20 In addition , the creation of the UDC has pushed up property prices in the area , making it even more difficult for the residents .
21 Greater use of majority voting provisions since the entry into force of the Single European Act have made the timing question more difficult for the Committee .
22 However , the challenge was bound to be more difficult for the Americans to handle , since they opposed drastic change while the Russians desired it .
23 On this er er further to this point about continuity they make the point as well that a system of election by thirds makes it more difficult for the officers of the authority to dominate the councillors .
24 Aurab Yakobashvili , deputy minister of science , says that the lack of such coordination makes it more difficult for the government to plan for the future of Russian science .
25 The catchall character of this category undoubtedly makes it more difficult for the members of the Annales to develop any clear sense of its relation to the history of structures and conjonctures .
26 Often they will not , which makes the situation more difficult for the counsellor to deal with .
27 If you wait for inspiration it may be more difficult for the Careers Service to give constructive advice .
28 These corners are sometimes almost more difficult for the men than for the women , as we use longer skis but I handled the course well and produced a 3rd place , my most encouraging FIS race result for some time .
29 He heard the machine-gun fire from the helicopter , but it was difficult for the pilot to manoeuvre in such a tight space , even more difficult for the machine-gunner to take aim .
30 One way of making it more difficult for the Community Charge Registration Officers to trace people will be if they disappear from the electoral register .
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