Example sentences of "more likely [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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2 This may have come about as a result of a phase of shifting settlement gradually giving way to greater stability , so that when land boundaries ( some of which may have also become parish boundaries ) were formed the earlier settlements may , purely by chance , occur at a distance to later ones and are therefore more likely to lie near boundaries ( see also , Welch 1985 , pp. 18–21 ) .
3 Consequently , they are often more hurried in their diagnosis , more likely to deal with symptoms than the underlying causes , resorting to palliatives rather than cures .
4 In fact a man in his late forties is five times more likely to die of heart disease than a woman of the same age .
5 Not only are you much more likely to die from lung cancer or heart disease , but other illnesses highlighted in this booklet , including cervical cancer , are associated with smoking .
6 Not only are you much more likely to die from lung cancer or heart disease , but other illnesses highlighted in this booklet , including cervical cancer , are associated with smoking .
7 DATA OF the sort released in Sweden , which warns that motorists are three times more likely to die in crashes in some makes of car , is kept from British drivers , the Consumers ' Association says today .
8 The average black boy is more likely to go to prison than university .
9 these figures do not show that black people are more prone crime , but they do suggest that black people who offend are more likely to go to prison .
10 IF one partner has not been married before and the other one has , the couple are more likely to go into marriage than a couple where both partners have been married before .
11 As is widely known , results showed that those in the experimental group were more likely to remain at home than those in the control group , that the scheme held no cost disadvantages , that levels of subjective stress in carers were reduced , and that there were ‘ significant improvements in a range of indicators of subjective well-being and quality of care ’ for the clients in the experimental group compared with the control group .
12 There has been some suggestion that parents are more likely to argue in front of their sons than their daughters ; that a disturbed parent is more likely to pick on a son than a daughter ; and that mothers may transfer negative experiences with their husband into negative expectations of their sons .
13 In baboons and Japanese macaques mothers resuming their sexual cycle are more likely to mate with males who have formed a relationship with their offspring .
14 There is an advantage in being large in males , and large males are more likely to mate with females than are small males .
15 These are probably more likely to vote for Paisley 's democratic unionism and to come from either religious , fundamentalist backgrounds or populist working-class and lower middle-class backgrounds .
16 On 2o of these occasions , the target was consorting with an oestrus female and , in general , partners were more likely to join in coalition when this was the case .
17 Are the great members of the public more likely to respond to poetry and recognise it as a serious endeavour ?
18 When 24-hour staffing is provided by the ward or department team , they are more likely to respond to requests for a change in working arrangements to meet an unavoidable staffing shortfall .
19 Similarly , he felt that part-time tutors were more likely to respond to advice from a professional tutor than from someone not involved on the teaching side .
20 One retail analyst said he believed it would make customers more likely to spend on food and gifts .
21 Louis , count of Flanders , was pro-French ; his subjects , however , dominated by the great cloth-weaving towns of Bruges , Ghent , and Ypres were more likely to turn to England , the source of the wool upon which their industry and wealth depended .
22 Words in the first category seem inherently more likely to succeed as part of the vocabulary of youth culture by virtue of their being marked from the start as oppositional to mainstream culture through their Creole pronunciation , and by this route to enter the " multi-racial vernacular " .
23 The data underline the fact that you are more likely to succeed with people if you think about your behaviour and select and use behaviours that help rather than hinder progress towards your objective .
24 The result of this dichotomy is that the employer who can rely on the right to protect his business secrets is much more likely to succeed in court than when he seeks to enforce a traditional restraint of trade clause .
25 Their children were more likely to refer to rules .
26 However , small businesses also need to forecast and they are more likely to rely on judgement alone .
27 Ties with extended kin are very much a matter of personal choice ; those with members of one 's nuclear family are more enduring and more likely to lead to responsibility for care .
28 There is some evidence that the sexually transmitted form of hepatitis is more likely to lead to liver damage than that passed on by means of blood products .
29 Breaches of pollution control are more likely to be picked up ; they are more likely to lead to enforcement action , possibly criminal prosecution ; more and more remediation is demanded ; and they are more likely to have an impact on a company 's image — and hence exact a heavier toll on company profits .
30 Crane , however , argues 45 that affiliation to a prestigious university is more likely to lead to recognition for a scientist than higher productivity .
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