Example sentences of "do n't want [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't leave me , Angharad , I do n't want to die alone . ’
2 I do n't want to bump too hard against the plane 's fuselage in case we do actually come into contact with it .
3 I should weigh at least 8½ stone , but I do n't want to put on an extra pound .
4 And that we do n't want to put up anything that 'll be a stumbling block , to people coming .
5 And they do n't want to put down what they do know cos they think it 's obvious .
6 That 's enough darling , you do n't want to put too much on it , it 's just a waste
7 I do n't want to move yet . ’
8 I 'd say , You do n't want to move here .
9 Well , I 'll be settled in , in my own little place by then , I mean I do n't want to move back here , plus that fact that I , I would n't want to move back here anyway .
10 Speaking to me in New Orleans during a break in filming a TV show Michael said : ‘ It 's my home I do n't want to move out .
11 and I just do n't want to move out of being a student because I find that , that more and more problems are , you know I 'm coming up with because , like Melanie saying there is problems with child care , there is erm positive discrimination against women , and we are always discriminated on the sexual harassment in the college is unbelievable and we have to campaign against this and that 's what 's gon na keep me being a student .
12 I feel that very strongly , I mean a lot of people have said , a lot of people in the flats have said , well I do n't want to move out of the area , I do n't like living in the flats , but I do n't want to move out of the .
13 I feel that very strongly , I mean a lot of people have said , a lot of people in the flats have said , well I do n't want to move out of the area , I do n't like living in the flats , but I do n't want to move out of the .
14 Men can ring the changes by wearing a different shirt or tie if they do n't want to invest in more than one suit .
15 Erm construction , well I do n't want to cast too many nationalistic comments about but there is a strange habit of employing people who do not know what they 're entirely supposed to be doing .
16 Stephen , you do n't want to leave all over the kitchen like that , it 's really .
17 well we are thin on the ground and limited resources so we do n't want doubling up , that 's what we do n't want , doubling up , but I do n't , I do n't
18 That it was signed by a partner called Hugh Jarse would lead the wary to conclude that the CV Society was as adept at pinching stationery as at extracting money out of fun-loving freshers : after only an hour it had sold four presidencies , six other posts and had about 40 names on a list headed ‘ I 'm interested in your society but do n't want to cough up any money at the moment ’ .
19 ‘ We do n't want to wake up the ticket collector .
20 ‘ This is a very painful move for us , but we do n't want to wake up a year from now and wish we had n't done it , ’ Next founder Steve Jobs told United Press International .
21 But on the other hand I do n't want to wake up with horror one day when I find that I 've lost all my physical abilities because I was n't taking too much care of them and observing .
22 I do n't want to sound unduly negative , but I simply could n't see what there was to mourn .
23 I do n't want to sound overly possessive but , bloody hell , the Pentagon is my concern . ’
24 I do n't want to sound too flame-eyed and low-blink-rate about it — and , all right , I know I 'm a real simp in many areas — but I 'd say I was way ahead of Tod on this basic question of human difference .
25 Ah you do n't want to finish up with minus sine X you want to finish up with sine X so what are you going to have to start off with ?
26 You do n't want to drink too much .
27 They want to feel righteous , but they do n't want to define exactly where they stand .
28 We do n't want to settle on
29 A lot of people of my age do n't want to settle down at this stage . ’
30 After so many years of being on my own I really do n't want to settle down and commit myself to a relationship .
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