Example sentences of "do n't let [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For a start , ’ whispers Anya into Rainbow 's ear , making her shriek and jump , ‘ I do n't let myself get caught with my trousers down and get banged up in trees and looking-glasses . ’
2 Do n't let yourself sink so low again — come and talk to me or to the doctor .
3 Do n't let yourself get into a state .
4 I will offer up these sacrifices , they 're nothing I know , but what can I do , I want to do something , give me a cart load of prickly pears and I 'll do it , I 'll spin them into fripperies for sorceresses , but please please do n't let nothing happen to me .
5 Do n't let them give you that line .
6 Remember , always do your best , do n't let them hook you , however tempting the bait .
7 She remembered the words in her father 's letter : Do n't let them hook you , however tempting the bait .
8 Do n't let them hook you .
9 Do n't let them stampede us into anything , we 'll make up our own minds .
10 Mr McCabe says : ‘ The advice to parents is if a lower school child is struggling after 45 minutes , then do n't let them continue .
11 But Iceland and Norway have also said that if we do n't let them start whaling next year , they will leave the International Whaling Commission .
12 Do n't let them pull wool over your eyes .
13 Do n't let them rattle on ; when you have had enough , smile sweetly , say ‘ many thanks ’ and we 'll switch off the lights . ’
14 Do n't let them go . "
15 Do n't let them talk you into doing it any other way , I 'm not having anything kinky .
16 This time , do n't let them knock out your hood .
17 Do n't let them hide any longer behind that misleading label ‘ joy rider ’ .
18 Do n't let them do it , boys , he 'd said to them .
19 And so if you swam up to somebody who was in difficulty , and you approach them from the front their automatic reaction is to throw their arms around you , do n't let them do it !
20 But do n't let them make a pig of you .
21 Do n't let them worry you , Brenda .
22 F—in' red wine on the carpet , that was bad , white wine on the walls so you get like a nice green tinge and they 'd been sick and broken the toilet seat and they 'd shit in the toilet and not flush it , fags in the coffee cups , I do n't let them come round any more … ’
23 Do n't let them close in ; the wider apart they are , the better your chances of escape — especially when armed with a club .
24 They think they can rule the world , well , to be fair , they probably could , only it 's as well if you do n't let them know it .
25 I love my wife and children but I do n't let them get in the way of company work . ’
26 So , even if you have to cope with a few tears and sulks , do n't let them get you down .
27 Do n't let them get you .
28 Mother of God , do n't let them get my house .
29 If not , speak out — do n't let them get away without doing their share .
30 Do n't let them get hit .
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