Example sentences of "do [adv] necessarily [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The terms ‘ old age ’ and ‘ retirement ’ are often used interchangeably , but they do not necessarily refer to the same things .
2 But Galbraith admits there will be more : ‘ Our results could seriously misrepresent the total number because sufferers do not necessarily go to venereologists or dermatologists .
3 Black pupils need to achieve academically in order to enter the labour market even at the lowest level in spite of evidence that qualifications do not necessarily lead to jobs ( see Brennan and McGeevor , 1987 , for example ) .
4 Those that carry the same names as overseas beers are produced under licence and do not necessarily adhere to the recipe or strength of the original .
5 However , please note that holidays do not necessarily return to the same port of departure .
6 More and more tents are coming onto the market which do not necessarily conform to these definitions but they will rely predominantly on one system for their stability .
7 Be they housing visitors , social workers , doctors , or , as in this case , teachers , all these personnel will have ideas which do not necessarily conform to the views prevailing within higher echelons of power .
8 They can be easily reconfigured between different product lines ( Cohen and Zysman , 1987 : ch. 9 ) and do not necessarily conform to the linear layout .
9 Similarly , the existence of technology-trading networks indicates that R&D and production do not necessarily need to be integrated under one roof to ensure that new products are efficiently produced ( although this is often a sensible course to follow ) .
10 They do need support , they do need often 24 hour attention , but they do not necessarily need to be in hospital .
11 Those warrants do not necessarily need to be served by the police .
12 The main points arising from this are that : ( 1 ) the vowel system is totally different from mainstream British English in terms of vowel-length , vowel-height , diphthongization and other properties ( for example , vowel-length is not usually contrastive , as it is alleged to be in RP , and so most vowel-phonemes , such as /e/ , as in gate , save , are realized as considerably longer or shorter allophones according to consonantal environment ) ; ( 2 ) allophones of phonemes can overlap phonetically with allophones of other phonemes in a manner that is not permitted by classical phoneme theory ( Bloomfield , 1933 ) ; ( 3 ) lexical items do not necessarily belong to the same vowel phoneme classes as they do in RP and SBE ( for example , whereas good and food have different vowels in most SBE , they have the same vowel in Ulster English ) ; and ( 4 ) many sets of lexical items exhibit vowel alternations , in that the vowels in these items are realizations of two different phonemes .
13 The second reason for this relative complexity is that , as we have already noticed , given lexical items do not necessarily belong to the same sets as in ‘ standard ’ English .
14 However its findings do not necessarily point to the inevitability of NT on sheer merit , but because of the marketing clout Microsoft is credited with having .
15 Poets do not necessarily have to be commentators on the historic present ; there is a world within as well as a world without .
16 This coupling might not displace your favoured recording of either concerto , but it is worth attention for Accardo 's emphatic proof that you do not necessarily have to be English to interpret English music .
17 Another point illustrated by the trees is that arms races do not necessarily have to be between members of different species .
18 In automated office systems there may be a unique record but earlier versions of it do not necessarily have to be stored .
19 It may be appropriate for these matters to be dealt with in a covering letter as they do not necessarily have to be disclosed to our opponents .
20 We will need to disclose your report to our opponents , and so please include in a covering letter any comments you may have about any contribution our client may have made to the accident as these do not necessarily have to be disclosed .
21 Such abstract typologies help us to understand the behaviour of councillors as a group but they do not necessarily apply to individual councillors who may exhibit characteristics drawn from several of the main types .
22 It is however apparent that differences in comprehensive income measured in this way do not necessarily correspond to differences in ability to pay , defined in terms of opportunity sets .
23 ‘ It caters for people who do n't necessarily want to be Cher . ’
24 Problems usually arise because many reef species are capable of more than a little antisocial behaviour — and it is difficult to lay down precise guidelines regarding their compatibility because marine fish , like people , are individuals and do n't necessarily conform to generalised behaviour patterns .
25 ‘ They do n't necessarily apply to you except very loosely .
26 I do n't necessarily has to be a mother and father I think , so long as they are good role models that they have .
27 This , however , is a lesson to the Smashing Pumpkins and Alice In Chains of this world that you can be '70s , you can smother your records with guitars and you can play loud like you were Hendrix but you do n't necessarily have to be boring , or totally lumbering to do it .
28 I I observe that the Liberal Democrats have made a complete U turn in their previous adherence to providing a steady stream of services to the people of Oxford , and by setting for a budget below the capping level you are taking out of funds available to people things that do n't necessarily have to be taken out .
29 Nicky 's conversion to Christianity shows that we do n't necessarily need to be clever and learned to find God — religion is not like finding out about astronomy or physics .
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