Example sentences of "do [not/n't] see [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do not see him as a killer .
2 I do not see them at all .
3 Hollywood studio chiefs do not see her as prime material to star as tough-talking Det Chief Insp Jane Tennison .
4 Danish schools whose heads do not see themselves as curriculum leaders are not necessarily sunk in apathy or mechanically carrying out the dictates of a central programme .
5 they have preserved their German culture and do not see themselves as Brazilians .
6 Do not be disappointed if you do not see anything of either of these events .
7 However desirable it is that they receive training , many do not see it as a practical proposition .
8 It is a powerful alkaloidal poison , but the Zande do not see it as an ordinary poison but as an autonomous mystical power capable of issuing decisions which are taken very seriously indeed .
9 I do not see it like that , and I am sure that the nation as a whole would not either .
10 ‘ They do n't see themselves as old-style state directors , ’ says Mr Gaidar .
11 They do n't see themselves in competition with each other .
12 Do n't see me as a spokesperson for anything , ’ she warns .
13 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They do n't see me as a health professional who knows it all , but who does n't really understand ; they see me as a disabled person . ’
14 ‘ Men do n't see me as the stuff of their romantic dreams .
15 ‘ I just do n't see her as a full-time mother … ’
16 They do n't see her at all .
17 I do n't see one in this room . ’
18 ‘ You do n't see one like that every day ! ’
19 And then the next little breath he 's off to America and you do n't see him for four weeks .
20 Do you mean you do n't see him at all ? ’
21 You hear about the times of good King Hal , and the rather implausible suggestion that he wrote ‘ Greensleeves ’ , but I do n't see him in any romantic light at all .
22 I do n't see him in that way at all . ’
23 We do n't see him in his own right .
24 Yes otherwise you do n't see them for
25 ‘ The Arts Council have problems , too : I do n't see them as the enemy , but they create a situation which gives rise to the criticisms they make . ’
26 Frankly , it wo n't break my heart if we do n't see them at all . ’
27 I may be that , like the street cars of San Francisco , artists living in London see them so much , they do n't see them at all .
28 I may be that , like the street cars of San Francisco , artists living in London see them so much , they do n't see them at all .
29 They all just go past me with their baked beans and their fish fingers and washing powder and chocolate biscuits , and my fingers punch the right figures on the till and I do n't see them at all .
30 I do n't see myself as a pop artist .
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