Example sentences of "one [noun sg] [verb] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , one correspondent went as far as to call it the ‘ sexiest ’ although that must be debatable .
2 One writer went so far as to say that this construction ‘ flies in the face of the settled interpretation of this provision . ’
3 One journalist went so far as to assert , ‘ Carter should have little trouble with Congress ’ , while Professor Ross Baker noted that ‘ the basic elements are in place for a highly satisfactory relationship between Carter and Congress … there is no reason to forecast discord between the White House and Capitol Hill .
4 Up to 13 birds in one winter have so far been involved , and they usually arrive between mid-December and mid-January , and remain until March or April .
5 Again perceptions of the value of these interviews differed , but one teacher went so far as to say that if it needed an appraisal to bring these advisers into the school then it was worth it .
6 It also acts as a " referee " of the group struggle : it holds the ring and secures the public interest by restoring the balance and moving in when one group goes too far , and it also protects the interests of the inactive and inarticulate .
7 Indeed , so fundamental to the outlook of Jacobean Protestants was this identification of the pope with Antichrist that one contemporary went so far as to define a Protestant as one who ‘ can swear the Pope is antichrist and that flesh is good on Friday ’ .
8 Perceived as ‘ weak ’ and ‘ lonely ’ , one respondent went so far as to condemn raisins as ‘ embarrassing to be seen with in public ’ !
9 The figure was well below City estimates and one analyst went as far as to say that the detailed announcement ‘ deserves to set the standards for all ’ .
10 One beach has so far managed to stay comparatively healthy .
11 As Carol Dyhouse has pointed out , in concentrating their attention on mothercraft , medical experts tended to devalue women 's knowledge regarding infant care , one doctor going so far as to label grandmothers as ‘ infanticide experts ’ .
12 The Home Office said one company had so far applied for a licence .
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