Example sentences of "out [prep] the other side " in BNC.

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1 There are stories , however , that know the depths of these fears , take their readers into them , into the experience , and then out through the other side .
2 If he hits one then he bounds about inside the unit , bouncing from foe to foe , until he spins out of the other side , leaving the enemy completely devastated .
3 Sure enough , they soon saw Mait , as he rushed out of the other side of a grotto they were just entering .
4 From here you can see the Old Town , the New Town and the district of Vyšehrad stretched out along the other side of the Vltava River .
5 Jim Perrin , interviewing the climber John Gill , refers to how some hypnagogic states have their parallels in situations of action and describes how , on easy routes , Gill ‘ could feel himself weaving in and out of the rock , peering out from the other side of its surface ’ .
6 Ron Canny , 45 , was crouching in a ditch on one side of a field near Osage , Iowa , when about seven deer were flushed out from the other side of the field .
7 Too soon , I was out on the other side , dazzled , like a man leaving a cinema in the afternoon .
8 Tom O'Neill came through the revolving doors on a blast of icy air and stepped out on the other side into a blanket of almost oppressive warmth .
9 A very different response to the critical approach to the Bible was worked out on the other side of the Atlantic by Charles Hodge ( 1797 — 1878 ) of Princeton , the Presbyterian seminary which came to be a veritable bastion of Calvinist orthodoxy .
10 They have this little peephole where you have to shove your cigarette so it sticks out on the other side for them to light it .
11 And Vasilissa stuck her feet out on the other side .
12 But at last she came out on the other side and ran after them as before , calling out , " Hoo !
13 They do n't come out on the other side !
14 Funny way they get them all the way out to the other side !
15 ‘ I am afraid I took pains to look out at the other side so as not to see him , ’ she had said .
16 They passed the greengrocer with his window full of apples and oranges , and the butcher with bloody lumps of meat on display and naked chickens hanging up , and the small bank , and the grocery store and the electrical shop , and then they came out at the other side of the village on to the narrow country road where there were no people any more and very few motor-cars .
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