Example sentences of "who work [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 M I five operates it in Northern Ireland and has got this whole series you may well have seen the television programme recently about these people who work undercover and who work for the intelligence and they they work themselves into the I R A and become members and then they feed the information back to British it 's been very successful and a couple of insiders is risky and we eventually when they are discovered who these people are , they have to be given new identities , plastic surgery and the works .
2 In MAKING IT BETTER , the improbably , coolly glamorous Jane Asher plays Diana Harrington , half of a couple who work for the BBC and have sex problems : her husband of 20 years tells her he is leaving her to set up as an homosexual , an announcement which seems to disturb her less than a wheel clamp .
4 ‘ The argument against a one-party state is shared by many intellectuals , including those in the party and who work for the state , but those in power are for it .
5 In the pension scheme there are typically three groups of members , the existing pensioners er those people who are still working for the company , the employees and the third group of er members who work for the companies generally referred to as deferred members .
6 The eight hundred and thirty five people who work for the Polymer Engineering division in Ross on Wye and Ashchuch can tonight breath a sigh of relief .
7 One advantage of complete mixes is that these problems have been corrected by nutritionists who work for the compound feed manufacturers .
8 The people who work for the ES are civil servants .
9 It is estimated that there are around 9,000 women who work on the streets or in the bars of Olongapo as prostitutes or ’ hospitality workers ’ .
10 This study sets out to examine , albeit in a preliminary way , just how the rapid changes in the Scottish agricultural industry in the post-war years have affected those who work on the land .
11 But erm certainly with this style of hat was commonly worn I suppose to his and by the people who work on the land , certainly in this part of the world .
12 There has been no change in the total number of farmers and those in their families — 47,800 who work on the land .
13 When you start in public relations , you need to meet journalists who work on the newspapers : press receptions , product launches , pubs around Fleet Street , the Press Club — there are many ways to do this .
14 I think some stations might do that , but they only do it if , if it 's , if it 's not going to be detrimental to the turn out , in other words they , they have a system , erm for instance they have a duty crew over the weekend , so that at least some can take their families to the seaside if they wanted to , so six will remain around the house er er but they do have some system , but I think the majority of fire stations , there are twenty seven in Suffolk like that , who work on the system of getting there as quickly as they can , and that is the best competition to get there , to get the ride .
15 That no similar slogan has come from the car workers is important , and is tied up with the fact that ‘ the car plants for the car workers ’ makes no sense to the lads who work on the line .
16 Guatemala 's large seasonal migrant population , who work on the coffee and cotton plantations for part of the year , sometimes migrate over the border to the plantations in southern Mexico .
17 All the sounds of the valley end here in my room , and the women speak in front of me — of Hywel and Beuno and Elizabeth and me — and the men who work on the farm piss in the hedgerow in front of me because they all think I am dead .
18 Around 170 nuclear scientists , who work on the JET project at Culham in Oxfordshire , started the first of a series of one day strikes at midnight .
19 New members must undertake a stretching programme of lectures , discussions , group work — including role play , visits of observation to special schools and assessment centres , meetings with people who work with the Hearing system , and study .
20 I can certainly confirm on the specific point that the hon. Gentleman raised that those workers who work at the Ministry of Defence can continue to be members of the union of their choice .
21 How the insights of people who work at the level of the ‘ real ’ people will be used is , however still a concern .
22 Scattered villages house people who work at the power station , or in the nearby towns of Bridgwater and Taunton .
23 For those of us who work at the power stations , the idea of going on a guided tour may seem daft .
24 Ulph emphasizes the need to consider different groups in the labour force separately e.g. those who work at the tax threshold ( mainly part-time married women ) and the currently unemployed — so that their particular incentives can be analysed .
25 Many of these are women who work during the day and solicit at night in order to earn a bit more money .
26 For those who work outside the home , out of many choices , it was their ‘ relationship with colleagues ’ that gives them the most satisfaction ( 80% ) , with flexibility of working hours ( 68% ) and pay ( 60% ) trailing behind .
27 For people who work outside the home , work provides the main opportunity to form this loose social network but for others the same support is provided by an extended family network of children , grandchildren , brothers and sisters and neighbours .
28 An American study from the University of Oregon showed that housewives had a 54 per cent higher incidence of cancer than the female population as a whole and 157 per cent higher than that portion of the female population who work outside the home .
29 Its administration is carried out by a staff of several hundred who work under the direction of the general council .
30 Jim Byrne is a physicist who work as the university .
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