Example sentences of "who were determined [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 One thing is very clear , the limited eighteenth-century political contest between Court and Country — between the ins and outs to government within Parliament — was transcended by a more fundamental division within society between those who wished to change the political and social order and those who were determined to defend the status quo , the eighteenth-century Constitution , and the established basis of representation .
2 For three years Nicholas conducted a capable but hopeless defence against the King and members of his Council , who were determined to destroy the Company .
3 The combined effect of the purges and the anti-Nonconformist propaganda was to put power in the localities into the hands of people who were determined to protect the Church and State from both popery and fanaticism through a strict adherence to the rule of law .
4 We need to analyse the interaction between electors , whose attitudes have already been influenced by a variety of considerations ( ranging from their own sense of both national and local political issues , down to whatever perception they might have concerning their need to accommodate themselves to their social superiors ) , and the party electioneers , who were determined to influence the electorate in whatever way they thought fit ( which invariably meant a combination of political propaganda and various forms of manipulation , bribery and intimidation ) .
5 They hoped to retain the use of two key air bases in Iraq without — in the process — offering too many hostages to the radical Iraqi nationalists who were determined to break the British connection .
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