Example sentences of "been regarded as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The trial of his killers has been regarded as a test of the political will of the authorities to put an end to the climate of impunity prevalent in the rural areas of Brazil , where scores of peasants and their leaders have been killed by hired gunmen .
2 The report 's conclusions are particularly embarrassing to the government as the Broads have been regarded as a test for its conservation commitment .
3 On the contrary , by correcting himself in this way the author is making a particular point : that although the occasion might have been regarded as a performance by some , that although it might have in time become a performance , this description is not an accurate representation of the narrator 's memories .
4 For some departments in local councils , the Urban Programme has been regarded as a way in which capital schemes cut from other mainstream budgets might be reinstated .
5 But generally these researches have been regarded as a branch of historical studies , suitably only for professed historians .
6 Genette speaks of this change in emphasis as a restoration of equilibrium in literary studies : ‘ Literature had long enough been regarded as a message without a code for it to become necessary to regard it for a time as a code without a message ( 1982 : 7 ) .
7 Gusmao had long been regarded as a symbol of the resistance to Indonesian rule in East Timor and his capture was a massive blow to Fretilin .
8 Metal whiskers of this kind had been known of , in a general sort of way , for a long time but had been regarded as a nuisance or a curiosity .
9 Coeliac disease has traditionally been regarded as a disorder of childhood and early adult life .
10 Second , income tax has long been regarded as a tax of central importance in government management of the economy ; it is a major financial and psychological weapon in securing the success of the Cabinet 's economic strategy .
11 The University of San Carlos has long been regarded as a hotbed of opposition , and the list of those imprisoned , tortured and murdered is long , even since 1986 .
12 In Beck v Szymonowski [ 1924 ] AC 43 a clause which provided that " the goods delivered shall be deemed to be in all respects in accordance with the contract " unless the buyer notified the seller of complaints within a stated period was held not to apply where the seller contracted to sell reels of cotton 200 yards in length but actually supplied reels of only 188 yards : the claim was " not in respect of goods delivered but in respect of goods which are not delivered " ( despite the fact that this might have been regarded as a claim that the goods did not comply with their description ) .
13 Thus , persistent gambling or the squandering of large sums of money upon it has been regarded as a sin .
14 Often , however , the facilities provided for them have been lamentable , not merely basic but squalid — safety and comfort has not been regarded as a priority — a prevailing stench of stewed onions — in stark contrast to the different world , only yards away , in the board room and the lucrative executive boxes . ’
15 Herodotus has long been regarded as a mythographer as much as a historian , for he records not just the bare facts , but the multiple versions of events he has gathered from a variety of sources .
16 The British countryside has long been regarded as a source of out-migration and a pool of reserve labour for urban areas .
17 She has been regarded as a patron saint of hares ever since .
18 At the Prague conference on unemployment , organized by the Comintern in August 1931 , he complained : The unemployed movement has been regarded as a section of the Minority Movement and there have been tendencies in the Minority Movement towards disbanding the existing unemployed movement and substituting it by a special section of the Minority Movement .
19 They have also been regarded as a topic distinctive to fluid dynamics .
20 This latter has been discussed by Cater ( 1987 ) who states that ‘ … the development of tourism has been regarded as a panacea for the economic malaise of many of the least developed countries ( LDCs ) faced with a narrow resource base and serious balance of payment difficulties ’ .
21 Throughout the Far East , the tiger has always been regarded as an animal of magical properties .
22 Congregationalists , for example , noted in their Year Books from 1898 to 1901 that they had installed 144 new organs ; as early as 1873 William Shepherdson , a Member of the College of Organists , reminded Nonconformists that a hundred years before , organs ‘ were beyond the reach of small Churches , while as to Chapels … the placing of an organ … would have been regarded as an act of profanation . ’
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