Example sentences of "been associated with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though only 53 , he had been associated with the School for 44 years , having been a pupil at Greek Street , and had been in charge of Greek since 1938 .
2 The firm of Ross and Macdonald had recently been associated with the building of the Beaux-Arts station in Ottawa .
3 David Morgan has retired as chairman and is succeeded by Keith Montague who was previously chairman of the supporters society ( The Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway Society Limited ) , and who has been associated with the North Norfolk Railway for over 20 years .
4 This means the settlor ( or the spouse of the settlor ) ( s742(9) ( a ) ) who will have made the transfer of assets and perhaps any individual who had been associated with the transfer of assets ( Vestey v IRC [ 1980 ] STC 10 , overruling Congreve v IRC ( 1948 ) 30 TC 163 ( HL ) ) .
5 They include a club promoter , at least one DJ and at least two dancers who 've been associated with the scene we 've been involved with for the last few years
6 Other British names which have been associated with the madeira wine trade over the past 200 years include Charles O.L. Power , who came to Madeira in 1878 and lived in Quinta Deão .
7 The start of subduction may have been associated with the initiation of spreading on the East Pacific Rise , but in any case it certainly preceded the splitting of South America away from Africa 135–140 Ma ago .
8 Within Britain , the Libertarian Ideal has traditionally been associated with the press and the Public Service Ideal with broadcasting .
9 Indeed , in large part , the problems of digestion have been associated with the rise of the organisms in the other kingdoms in response to these unused resources : bacteria as well as fungi , and , perhaps , their associations with both animals and plants , from rumen bacteria to mycorrhiza .
10 He was attracted by the atomic theories of antiquity , which had themselves been associated with the possibility of plural worlds as different combinations of atoms passed in and out of being .
11 It has been associated with the presence of cervical human papillomavirus in patients at student health clinics .
12 This has been associated with the presence of autonomic neuropathy as in diabetic patients without neuropathy the gall bladder contraction in response to CCK is not different from that in healthy subjects .
13 The formation of siderite in organic-rich marine mudrocks has previously been associated with the degradation of organic matter by anaerobic , methanogenic bacteria .
14 The Pastons , who had been associated with the earl during the Readeption and renewed the connection after 1485 , did not turn to Gloucester in the interval .
15 The Pastons , who had been associated with the earl during the Readeption and renewed the connection after 1485 , did not turn to Gloucester in the interval .
16 Mr Molyneaux has long been associated with the integrationist wing of his party , which feels that devolution for Northern Ireland would be too unstable , given the requirement for power-sharing between unionists and nationalists .
17 The Turners had long been associated with the ironmongery trade in Dublin .
18 The earlier taste for Greek art had been associated with the enjoyment of otium , the life of pleasurable contemplation indulged in by those sectors of Roman society with no need to work .
19 However such an important decision was not to be taken hastily , Kay who has been associated with the Society since its inception has agreed to fill this position on a temporary basis .
20 Cocoa has long been associated with the Temperance societies and other groups who fought against the consumption of alcohol .
21 This perspective has been associated with the function of ideology in creating the perceptions and beliefs in individuals deemed necessary to reproduce the political and economic structures of class and/or ethnic hegemony .
22 Miss Olive Newson , who retired from the Sports Council in September 1983 has been associated with the Medau Society for nearly 30 years .
23 THE Eagle Mill closure at the end of last year marked the end of an era for Ipswich pensioners — many of whom had been associated with the mill for their entire lives .
24 Historically , pre-capitalist modes of production have been associated with the compensation of officials in kind .
25 This is a very old mill site which has , for much of its life , been associated with the manufacture of woollen cloth .
26 However , this has been associated with the development of a massive system of subsidies for private development in the inner urban area , primarily through the operation of Urban Development Grants ( UDGs ) .
27 Inactivation of the human retinoblastoma susceptibility gene , as a result of deletion or mutation , has been associated with the development of a variety of human cancers ( 3–6 ) .
28 ‘ Since 1973 he has been associated with the development of LASMO from a small UK independent to its position today as a substantial international oil and gas exploration and production company ’ .
29 In the Western Cordillera evidence of tensional deformation indicates that crustal stretching has been associated with the emplacement of magma and volcanic activity related to subduction zone melting .
30 Subduction of the oceanic lithosphere of the leading edge of the Indian Plate prior to collision may have been associated with the emplacement of large granite intrusions as well as volcanic activity in southern Tibet .
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