Example sentences of "been influence by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We need to analyse the interaction between electors , whose attitudes have already been influenced by a variety of considerations ( ranging from their own sense of both national and local political issues , down to whatever perception they might have concerning their need to accommodate themselves to their social superiors ) , and the party electioneers , who were determined to influence the electorate in whatever way they thought fit ( which invariably meant a combination of political propaganda and various forms of manipulation , bribery and intimidation ) .
2 For example , a company which has given a preference to a person connected with the company is rebuttably presumed to have been influenced by a desire to prefer that person .
3 Firstly , in the case of preferential treatment , s239 relates to transactions within two years before the onset of solvency rather than six months and the vendor is presumed to have been influenced by a desire to prefer creditors unless the contrary is shown .
4 This situation has been influenced by a number of factors .
5 In this respect , I have been influenced by the success of Proposition 13 enacted in California in 1978 , which necessitated a sharp reduction in property taxes .
6 Chapter 7 shows how the nature of management strategy has been influenced by the success of the government in changing the ‘ rules of the game ’ — the set of political signals that forms the environment for managerial decision-making and determines the broad costs and benefits of different courses of action .
7 First , pay bargaining has been influenced by the state 's concern with public expenditure and with macroeconomic policies such as wage control .
8 He may also have been influenced by the favour shown by Parliament to his friend , Philip Herbert , fourth Earl of Pembroke [ q.v. ] , when it voted that he should be indemnified for his losses in the war .
9 Mr Des Wilson , the Liberal Democrat campaign manager , played down the racial element in the vote that defeated Mr Taylor , saying : ‘ We won that seat on the merits of our campaign , not because a few votes for the Tory may have been influenced by the colour of their candidate 's skin . ’
10 However , such works do not merely show the dominant culture being resisted and subverted by popular culture ; in their form , they themselves have been influenced by the culture which they depict .
11 The shape and direction of the valleys have been influenced by the location of the more easily eroded volcanic material .
12 But has the heart of British industry been influenced by the hype and pressure to change ?
13 These dramatic styles have been influenced by the look of the sixties .
14 Mr Milmo said that it was ‘ utterly and completely false ’ to suggest that Mr Clay had been influenced by the prospect of some plum job when he retired .
15 ‘ Our choice has been influenced by the fact that there is no national museum in the North East , ’ said Dr Alan Borg , museum director-general .
16 In the Felixstowe Justices case the court seems to have been influenced by the fact that the applicant was a journalist with a serious purpose .
17 Judge Schucking may have been influenced by the fact that the Convention in question was the General Act of Berlin , which had been concluded by the Powers to settle issues of colonial rule in Africa , and thereby to lessen friction between them .
18 The outcome of non-randomised studies has been influenced by the fact that the patients selected for surgery tend to be those in good overall condition with a favourable systemic prognosis .
19 ( The pope may have been influenced by the fact that three years earlier the Spanish government had limited the right of asylum in Madrid , where it had also been quite unjustifiably extended , to the houses of foreign ambassadors . )
20 Norman Lamont 's calculations will also have been influenced by the fact that , even before Taurus was cancelled , its introduction had been postponed until April 1994 , thereby netting extra revenue from the duty .
21 I said that I had had rather more than that , and I referred to having had about 800 , the large majority of which were tear-out newspaper slips , and a large majority of those would have been influenced by the leaflet , the Labour party ’ Standard ’ , with its misleading , scaremongering , alarmist nonsense .
22 Many amateur musicians will have been influenced by the training undertaken by the professionals by whom they were , or are , themselves taught .
23 Within the Church of England this has been influenced by the parish structure inherited from rural society with a feudal structure .
24 There has been a national style revolution in Britain which has influenced and been influenced by the youth culture of football spectatorship .
25 How has maths teaching been influenced by the introduction of calculators and computers ?
26 Marcel Duchamp and Jacques Villon had been influenced by the demonstration at the Indépendants , and were included in the Cubist room at the Salon d'Automne .
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