Example sentences of "been cause [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's been caused with a plant being put down in that now .
2 The infant had defects that were alleged to have been caused as a result of injuries , when in the womb , sustained when an accident occurred to her mother as a consequence of the negligence of a railway company .
3 The fire was reported to have been caused by a wiring short circuit .
4 The fire was reported to have been caused by a wiring short circuit .
5 It 's been caused by a delay in the operation to move a bridge crossing the M4 near the Severn estuary .
6 In a Minnesota case in 1979 , for instance , a young intern 's casual comment that a laceration appeared to have been caused by a knife later led the injured woman to change her story completely and come to believe , under hypnosis , that she was stabbed repeatedly , despite subsequent medical evidence .
7 At first the explosions were thought to have been caused by a gas leak , but gradually the police were able to piece together evidence linking the disaster to the Weathermen , one of whom had attached a wire to the wrong terminal .
8 Stoddart quotes a great number of opinions on this subject : it seems that some authorities think that they may have been caused by a fall in sea level which meant that the reef flat became a barrier to water movement , so that surf became channelled down the outer edge of the algal ridge as it returned to the sea ; alternatively the spur and groove system may be the most effective form of baffle for dissipating wave energy and is caused by reef-building corals forming the spurs — the grooves , once formed , may of course be accentuated by scouring .
9 There could have been an innocent explanation for the dust cloud : it could have been caused by a herd of cows being driven to market , by a Prussian regiment on exercise , or even by a work gang hammering cobbles into the highway 's bed of chalk and flint , yet the musket-fire Sharpe had heard earlier , and the Presence of the enemy Dragoons on the southern bank of the Sambre suggested a more sinister cause .
10 The court accepted that the plaintiff 's injury could have been caused by a brain shake without any actual blow to the head .
11 Sometimes the testicles suffer from under or over-suspension , either of which can cause discomfort , but this is unlikely to have been caused by a vasectomy operation .
12 Although preliminary speculation was that the crash might have been caused by a bomb , accident investigators revealed that the plane had nose-dived after the right engine suddenly went into reverse thrust ; electronic safety systems designed to cope with this had apparently failed , and a warning light had either malfunctioned or had not been believed by the pilot .
13 This huge opening in the moor , as large as a tennis court , has been caused by a collapse of the surface coming to rest in a debris of fallen boulders twenty to thirty feet lower .
14 The sudden interest in the beach has been caused by a bumper cockle harvest which , according to experts , happens every five to 10 years .
15 The sudden interest in the beach has been caused by a bumper cockle harvest which , according to experts , happens every five to 10 years .
16 Initial investigations suggested that the crash had been caused by a combination of bad weather and either pilot error or a failure in the communications system .
17 The erosion is believed to have been caused by a combination of : i ) the relative rise in sea level brought about by the slow sinking of southeastern England ; ii ) an actual rise in sea level locally since the 1970s ; and iii ) the reduction of saltmarshes due to human-made sea defences .
18 Have you ever come out in a rash after working in the garden , and thought it might have been caused by a plant you were handling ?
19 Fire investigation officer Alan Haddock told an inquest yesterday that he believed the fire had been caused by a butane gas heater or a portable lamp igniting a mixture of petrol vapour and air .
20 Fire investigation officer Alan Haddock told an inquest yesterday that he believed the fire had been caused by a butane gas heater or a portable lamp igniting a mixture of petrol vapour and air .
21 The basis of her legal case was that this condition had been caused by a motor accident four months before her birth in which her mother lost control of a pick-up truck during a cattle muster on the family ranch .
22 The lack of reversal when splitting data by accident estimates may have been caused by a number of films with very little peripheral information in them , or it may simply have been an effect of the high correlation between risk and accident estimates .
23 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
24 It 's thought the blaze may have been caused by a spark from a firework used in a stage act getting into the air heating system .
25 It 's thought the blaze may have been caused by a spark from a firework used in a stage act getting into the air heating system .
26 In a recent review of Germany 's environmental performance , the OECD criticised the confusion in Germany 's definition of waste that has been caused by a desire to encourage recycling .
27 Sources close to the ministry said later that early indications suggested the deaths may have been caused by a fault with a stove in the tent .
28 If the leak has been caused by a puncture in the middle of a pipe run , cut through it and remove about 20mm ( 8in ) of pipe so you can reconnect the cut ends with a special repair compression fitting .
29 The doctor said the injury could have been caused in a number of ways and though the soldier was limping he was ‘ surprised that such a minor injury would cause a limp . ’
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