Example sentences of "been able [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's ages since I 've been able to sit on the windowsill .
2 Now , he does think that the one and the mind is present to every one of us , erm , but I also take it that erm he er thought that he himself , had been able to ascend to the one er four times in the course of his life and that he also thought that some of his students were of better contemplation than others and erm so he may also have thought as Plato did , that some people are more inclined towards philosophy than others .
3 Undoubtedly , the essentially non-problematic process was aided by the fact that the Six had been able to agree upon the basic objectives in advance — the economic objective of a common market and the political one of some kind of supranational authority — as it was also by the fact that the discussions were mainly conducted by experienced bureaucrats in closed sessions .
4 On any other morning , Bissett would have been able to live with the thudding blast of the explosives and with the crisp rattle of sub-machine gun and pistol fire .
5 His achievements as Labour leader have earned him respect and admiration , but he has not been able to appeal beyond the party in which he has made his life .
6 Given the state of the war , the undeniable growth of anti-Nazi feeling , and the rising criticism of Hitler himself , which we have been able to document for the years 1942–4 , such reports can hardly have been an accurate reflection of existing attitudes .
7 When you live alone , where you keep your money and how you can reach it , is exceptionally important , because you do not have a live-in partner to borrow from if you have not been able to go to the bank .
8 Over the years , we 've taken the risk to increase the court 's costs , erm , where we 've got agreed pro er , principles , and we 've b we 've been able to go to the courts and they 've agreed with us , for instance , standard fees for overloaded vehicle cases , we charge seventy pounds a time .
9 I had a feeling they 'd been blocked off by the malais and had n't been able to go by the quickest route they wanted .
10 I am particularly pleased to have been able to see through the work to stamp out default and to promote high standards in the profession . ’
11 They were walking on to the long ridge they had been able to see from the cottage window .
12 The kid 's not been able to see inside the place . ’
13 A citizen on a march , or on a picket , or at a public meeting , has never been able to respond to the repressive exercise of authority by calling in aid a legally enforceable right to do that which is impugned .
14 The particular quality of the English primary school has been the way in which its teachers have been able to respond to the individual child on a personal , almost intuitive , basis .
15 This project will examine the ways in which local authorities have been able to respond to the opportunities offered by closer European integration .
16 She had been able to cope with the sale of her house .
17 However , it is not clear from the information presented by Burr how well he has been able to cope with the irregular morphological structure of English .
18 Only a few , such as the highly adaptable wild pigs , have been able to cope with the changed and still changing landscape .
19 Of the previous four presidents one , Johnson , had been effectively driven from office by the failure of his Vietnam policy ; one , Nixon , had resigned in disgrace and neither Ford nor Carter had been able to cope with the limits on presidential power .
20 But I can assure you that I would n't have lasted five minutes in what , by any standards , is a very tricky and difficult market if I had n't been able to cope with the work .
21 He would n't have been able to cope with the larger trunks .
22 Cockney ruffian culture has n't been able to progress on the swaggering menace , social quirks , pithy observation and deranged vignettes detailed in the impressive collection of tunes played out here under the giant M erected in Finsbury Park .
23 You would not have been able to take in the words I had planned to say that night , the night of number one hundred and fifty-six .
24 He had never been able to take in the fact that she was a fifteen-year-old girl .
25 This was a bit of a bombshell , but after determined encouragement from the chaplain the party managed to sing several verses of ‘ The Church 's One Foundation ’ , and were , in fact , rather pleased with themselves as several members had been able to put in the tenor and the bass .
26 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
27 At her elbow the candle burned with a steady flame , which was more than that perspiring fool of a doctor with letters after his name had been able to say about the Colonel 's heart .
28 He had n't been able to sleep on the plane at all .
29 The Income & Growth PEP allows you to invest in the Capital House Income & Growth Unit Trust which , despite one of the most difficult periods for stock market investment , has seen an investment of £100 grow to £183 over the last five years — had you been able to invest in the Income & Growth PEP over this period you would have received this return free of all personal taxes .
30 I will certainly look with compassion in days to come on the three hon. Members whom I have not been able to call on the statement , but we have a busy day ahead of us .
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