Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [prep] a result " in BNC.

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1 Mkolongolo alleged in a press statement that the United States ambassador , Smith Hempstone , had been recalled as a result of " misleading information " given him by Muite [ see also p. 38136 ] .
2 The meeting had originally been scheduled to start on July 1 , but had been delayed as a result of Sri Lanka 's announcement on June 24 that it would not participate because of India 's refusal to agree on the withdrawal of the Indian Peace Keeping Force ( IPKF ) from Sri Lanka by the latter 's deadline of July 29 [ see p. 36735 ] .
3 Final approval had been delayed as a result of a Spanish-UK disagreement on the rate of tax to be applied to Spanish and British sherry in the UK .
4 It should not be used to make good any cuts that have been sustained as a result of falling rolls , ratecapping , etc .
5 The meeting heard that a Sizewell B worker had been sacked as a result of a dangerous driving incident between Blythburgh and the site .
6 The merger reserve , which has been reinstated as a result of transferring the goodwill to the consolidated p&l account , may be transferred to the consolidated p&l account reserve .
7 People such as these may have been enslaved as a result of capture in war or through failure to meet legal obligations ; the scale of the practice is unclear ( Davies 1982 , p. 66 ; Sawyer 1978 , p. 173 ) .
8 These petroleum exploration ‘ parameters ’ have been developed as a result of the exploration activities of the late 1960s .
9 In two cases these policies had been developed as a result of dialogue between the housing department and local disability organisations .
10 The first in a new generation of colours , it has been developed as a result of Armitage Shanks ' research in to the tastes of today 's consumers .
11 There are also standard shapes for tensile test specimens , laid down by the standards bodies ( BSI , ASTM , DIN ) in various countries , which have been developed as a result of stress analysis .
12 You see at Banbury School our governing body erm has expressed itself clearly as against the tertiary education proposals as they were first put forward , and I am very pleased to have heard during the debate that they 've been amended as a result of quite a lot as a result of the discussion that has gone on .
13 To a geologist , for instance , the Pacific Ocean is a very sharply defined depression of the earth 's surface which has been formed as a result of the complicated processes of plate tectonics .
14 The Papua New Guinea Women in Media ( PNGWIM ) has been formed as a result of the seminar , which began with a challenge from keynote speaker Dr Rose Kekedo , a former government official now working in the private sector .
15 Our Booking Conditions have been formulated as a result of our responsibilities under law and in no way affect your statutory rights as a consumer .
16 Ali Yahya ( who was also chair of the Algerian League of Human Rights — LADH ) said that charges against Kebir had been dropped as a result of an Algiers court hearing .
17 Sheriff Paterson told her the charity had been devastated as a result of her actions .
18 In this connection , he claims that an increase in the number of myelomas ( tumour of the bone marrow ) in the area during the 1970s would not have been expected as a result of iodine-131 contamination , but could have arisen from ingestion of polonium-210 , an alpha emitter .
19 The immediate cause of this putative legislation is the possibility that nearly 70 arthritic sufferers have died and nearly 4,000 have been injured as a result of taking the drug Opren .
20 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendants , contending that , because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendants .
21 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendant , contending that because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendant .
22 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many people in Scotland have been injured as a result of being assaulted with a knife or pointed article since 1988 ; and if he will make a statement .
23 It is understood that no one has been injured as a result of the nurse 's alleged actions .
24 This third section of the annual submission should be concerned with notification of any changes in the development plan which may have been decided as a result of progress and experience in the early years .
25 When in August 1988 the overstretched Health Authority belatedly sent out a questionnaire enquiring about symptoms that might have been suffered as a result of drinking the water , one went to 450 ‘ occupants ’ of a graveyard in St Tudy , which happened to have a tap in one corner .
26 There was also concern about the environmental damage that had been suffered as a result of decisions about economic development taken in Moscow rather than in the republics themselves .
27 Damages in libel cases are intended generally to compensate the plaintiff for loss of face , and specifically for any loss of work or earnings which can be proved to have been suffered as a result of the libel .
28 Europe had been divided by these two into spheres of influence and had been weakened as a result .
29 Many local people believe that development will profit them , and those concerned about the environment have been threatened as a result .
30 In the case of psychoanalytic theory , there needs to be an understanding , first , of an undistorted version of the theory as stated by Freud , and then various changes in the theory can be seen as either having been made to attain greater rational consistency , or to incorporate new ‘ findings ’ which refute some of the previous assumptions , or to have been made as a result of social pressures on theory-makers eager to find a role for their theories in the society .
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