Example sentences of "been [vb pp] by the labour " in BNC.

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1 These policies even contemplated the nationalization of industry , in rather more detail than had ever been considered by the Labour Party .
2 This caused disquiet amongst Colonial officials and prompted Creech Jones , the Colonial Secretary in the later years of the Labour government , to circulate a memorandum to the Cabinet in early 1947 in which he said : ‘ I know full well how important it is that our overseas payments should be kept as low as they possibly can be , but I can not believe that this justifies a course which is contrary to our declared policy in regard both to Colonial and to commercial matters and contrary also to the policy which has long been pursued by the Labour Party . ’
3 From our point of view the conference may as well have been organised by the Labour Party .
4 The successful candidate had been imposed by the Labour Party nationally after it had refused to place on the selection short-list the locally preferred nominee , Ken Capstick , who was a close associate of Arthur Scargill , president of the National Union of Mineworkers .
5 I found it strange that those words had come from the Parliamentary Secretary because , when I read them , I thought that they had been written by the Labour candidate , John Metcalfe , because there was no other indication that that article had been written by a Minister of the Crown who is responsible for this country 's agriculture .
6 As my hon. Friends the Members for Wyre ( Mr. Mans ) and for Thurrock have said , people expected to be protected by central Government , but we have been told by the Labour party that there will be no limit whatsoever on spending .
7 The chairman of the Conservative party , the right hon. Member for Bath ( Mr. Patten ) , and the hon. Member for Stockton , South have tried to knock down the political and economic case for regional policy that has been advanced by the Labour party .
8 They had been instrumental in ending co-operation with Labour Party members when this had been demanded by the Labour National Executive .
9 They 're backing a private members bill , that 's the Wild Mammals Protection Bill , which has been introduced by the Labour MP Kevin McNamara .
10 What litigation might have been promoted by the Labour government 's aborted proposals in the late 1960s we shall never know .
11 That has been contradicted by the Labour spokesman on Treasury matters , who has said that his party would take money from British farmers and divert it to regional policy .
12 Then he threw in the spice and seasoning : ‘ By stirring up people 's fears unnecessarily , jobs have been endangered by the Labour Opposition . ’
13 At an SNP public meeting on water privatisation in Leith , Mr Welsh said : ‘ The campaign to save Scotland 's water has been endangered by the Labour Party 's blundering last week . ’
14 A major worry to Mrs Thatcher and the Treasury was the future of the State Earnings Related Pensions ( SERPS ) which had been established by the Labour government in 1975 .
15 The Conservative government elected in 1979 inherited a number of urban policies that had been initiated by the Labour government between 1977 and 1979 , and that are discussed in Chapter 3 .
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