Example sentences of "been [vb pp] in the early " in BNC.

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1 Many of the shapes that had been developed in the Early Minoan nevertheless continued in use , especially the one-handled cup and the jar with a short spout on its shoulder , bridged by the rim .
2 And that Marc 's fellow students should have been interviewed in the early stages of the inquiry .
3 The exhibition has been installed in the early nineteenth-century rooms of the Museo Correr .
4 Loxford New Rectory was redbrick and had been built in the early sixties .
5 Even as the company got bigger , the familial atmosphere on which Virgin had been built in the early Seventies stayed strong , a flame that was kept alight by those who had been with Virgin since the earliest days , until it became a myth , self-perpetuating and strong enough to touch any newcomer to the organisation , strong enough to have even Richard Branson in its grip .
6 Much the same impulse had been felt in the early years of reports by the APU .
7 I was involved because an order had been made in the early hours of 2 May .
8 And when Lugard came to look back on what had been accomplished in the early years of British administration he singled out the improved character of the native rulers , which he attributed to ‘ the unceasing efforts and devoted ability of the British staff , who have by precept and example made them what they are today ’ .
9 The graveyard 's administrator , Antonio Eustaquio , stated that the bodies , six of which were later identified as those of political prisoners , had been buried in the early 1970s , when the country was under military rule .
10 Theories that attempt to unite Nature 's forces within one framework suggest that monopoles should have been produced in the early stages of the Universe : and just over a year ago Blas Cabrera , a researcher at Stanford University , thought he might have found one ( New Scientist .
11 When the British Association for the Advancement of Science had been founded in the early 1830s , clerics had constituted some thirty percent of its membership .
12 Found hidden in a cist at Ballynaughton were 74 coins , the latest of which was an Elizabeth issue before 1561 , so they must have been deposited in the early part of her reign .
13 Although the need for one organization of policy-making for curriculum and examinations had been recognized as long ago as the mid-1960s ( through the establishment of the Schools Council ) , it had been abandoned in the early 1980s in favour of centralized curriculum-making and a blanket acceptance that the assessment of individual pupils ' achievement would lead to greater improvements in the system than the development of logically connected public examinations and national qualifications .
14 According to Interior Minister Khayreh Alaleh Hared , 68 people had been arrested in the early hours of Jan. 9 , as they were holding an illegal meeting at a local cemetery ; the attack on the barracks had taken place 90 minutes later , and the attackers had escaped , but the two incidents formed part of an attempt to destroy " the sovereignty , existence and unity of Djibouti and its economy " .
15 Have aims and objectives been identified in the early stages and are these goals related to managerial issues ?
16 A high rate of gastrointestinal difficulties , such as severe abdominal pain , peptic ulcer , or ulcerative colitis , have been identified in the early feeding history of anorexia nervosa .
17 Adam was in Room 17 , little knowing that this was where the Russian agent Hans Putiloff had been killed in the early days of this affair .
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