Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] relation [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The commitment to sterling has already been examined in relation to the political economy of Britain 's international role , the vested interests of the City of London and the nature of the system of government .
2 Since Labov first developed his quantitative methods , a very wide range of different speaker variables has been examined in relation to patterns of variation , and indeed these methods can be used wherever a speaker characteristic is capable of being expressed numerically .
3 ‘ Dublin has long been paralysed in relation to the Unionists , by an implicit veto of John Hume .
4 Perhaps emphasis at this level has been upon soil evolution rather than upon soil dynamics , which has been treated in relation to land capability .
5 This requirement has already been explained in relation to section 6 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act ( paragraphs 10–19 to 10–21 above ) .
6 To devise policies that directly lead to more positive and imaginative approaches , I am proposing that schools need to focus on two particular strands of educational research : first , the research that has been developed in relation to ‘ effective schools ’ , and second , the principles that underpin ‘ The Whole-School Approach to Special Educational Needs ’ .
7 In particular it is not known whether they have been formed in relation to present sea level , in very much the same way as it is not known whether the wavecut platform round Britain was formed entirely in relation to present sea level .
8 Hughes and Wilkin ( 1985 ) point out that the move towards integration in the community of mentally handicapped and mentally ill people has not been paralleled in relation to dementia .
9 Licence and the exercise of a right of distress are two common defences to an action for conversion but these have already been considered in relation to trespass to land .
10 This problem has not yet been considered in relation to the Johnston-McClelland model , where it is of particular importance because in this model , inhibition is absolutely decisive .
11 It is likely too that the provision for value had originally been framed in relation to purchase for value , for otherwise there is no good reason why Ulpian should be concerned with fitting other legal relationships into the same pattern as sale .
12 However , some interesting observations have been made in relation to adhesion and tumour spread .
13 Several concessions have also been made in relation to capital gains tax : the amount of gain allowed tax free has risen from £1,000 a year to £5,000 a year and this allowance now applies to all gains , not just small gains as was formerly the case .
14 May I also say that the Department 's concern would be taken more seriously if it did not take over three months to get replies from the Secretary of State to hon. Members who draw his attention to accusations that have been made in relation to what goes on in Castlereagh ?
15 Three arrests have been made in relation to the first incident when a policeman was shot and injured shortly before an explosion at the gasworks .
16 The skills involved in drafting work , examining what has been written and thinking about what has been written in relation to the original purpose of the assignment are skills which teachers stress heavily .
17 In addition , neither of the conditions of para 21(2) , Sch 9 had been met in relation to the combined trade .
18 banks of suitable investigations ( these may have been produced in relation to other examinations or tests ;
19 This approach , which had earlier been used in relation to other fields such as architecture ( Knowles , 1974 ) embraces population ecology , system ecology , the city as a habitat , and then energy and material transfer in cities are used to highlight spatial contrasts within the city and between cities and also to differentiate cities from rural environments .
20 The term ‘ Tyneside Conurbation ’ has been employed in relation to census data since the inter-war years but this contained four county boroughs and significant parts of the counties of Durham and Northumberland .
21 We firmly believe , without prejudging all the issues which have been raised in relation to the problem , that whatever mistakes were made should be viewed against the background of her overall contribution on the one hand and the activities of the enemy on the other .
22 I think just to conclude the the engine of growth argument , erm , has obviously been raised in relation to other new settlements , notably Cambridge and and this has been referred to already , erm the situation in Cambridge is different to York in in that the level of growth that 's that 's anticipated for that city is is is significantly higher , and the new settlement erm proposals there have been considered in in that regard and and just for the record C P R E have supported the the new settlement in that particular location , but it does seem to me that the returning to your basic point , that that erm if one applies those circumstances in Nor North Yorkshire it does fly in the face of of established policy in the structure plan , and the overriding er policy is is one of restraint in what is is considered to be one of the country 's most sensitive environmental areas , thank you .
23 Consultative arrangements of this sort have been attempted in relation to a number of planning decisions in recent years .
24 Harloe 's point is the simple but necessary one which has already been cited in relation to Williams 's discussion of base and superstructure , that ‘ determine ’ has to be understood in terms of the setting of limits , a usage which Saunders ( 1984 : 207 ) himself employs in contradistinction to the ‘ one to one ism ’ of French structuralism to describe the relationship between tenure and production-derived class .
25 ‘ Most of these players took part last year and were delighted with the facilities and hospitality ’ says Sean Curtis : ‘ We aim to make this year 's tournament even better and , believe me , the phones have already been buzzing in relation to tickets even though they will not available until the end of this month . ’
26 The role of acid secretion has been investigated in relation to the cephalic phase of the colonic response to food by means of H 2 receptor blockage and continual aspiration of gastric juice , but the cephalic response occurs independently of the presence or absence of acid or the entry of gastric juices into the duodenum .
27 Where acquisition of the share of an outgoing partner depends upon the exercise of an option , it will be a question of the true construction of the written option agreement as to whether the potential operation of this section has been excluded in relation to income profits arising between the dissolution and the exercise of the option .
28 In consequence , it is clearly important that the average constituent/consumer has ample opportunity for expressing any dissatisfaction with decisions which have been taken in relation to them .
29 Her desire to defend Leapor 's posthumous reputation has already been discussed in relation to ‘ Mira 's Picture ’ .
30 ( This has been discussed in relation to Aboriginal sacred sites in Australia . )
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