Example sentences of "have had [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have a grey trilby which I have had for many years .
2 [ O ] ur statesmen have the greatest opportunities they have had for many years , and likewise the greatest duty .
3 I only mention it because he had the decency to say that Leeds currently have the best midfield in the country , and have had for 4–5 years .
4 It has taken an awful long time to come to fruition — and appears to have needed the departure of founder Ken Olsen to come to fruition , but Digital Equipment Corp is finally to start marketing Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes to major companies in the US , mirroring the arrangement the two companies have had for some time in Europe .
5 The last three years have had below average rainfall .
6 Those people who have had deep religious experiences often talk about them with a sense of awe — the feeling many of us have had as little children when we 've been in the presence of something powerful and magnificent .
7 ‘ You have lodgings with Mr Tambiah on that wherry and have had since this time last year ? ’
8 ‘ It is generally thought from talks I have had with other chairman that there will be between 600 and 800 players released at the end of this season because clubs are seeking to trim their wage bills .
9 At this , and most of the many other meetings that he and I have had with African leaders , progress towards democracy and good governance has been discussed .
10 Conservative Members would be well advised to heed those words because all the contact that I have had with local government — I am not talking about Labour councillors , but about impartial experts — has shown that those experts believe that the council tax will eventually run into such trouble that it will become unworkable .
11 From the discussions that I have had with those groups and from some statements that I have received — I do not want to go into detail because they were confidential — I am confident that a solution could have been found which would have formed a reasoned consensus for those groups , for the interests that they represent and for the House .
12 Similarly , in the most recent essay Nochlin refers to the ‘ discourse of power ’ , ‘ parole ’ , ‘ langue ’ ( p. 3 ) and ‘ jouissance ’ ( p. 10 ) , reflecting the impact that critical and linguistic theories have had on Anglo-American art history .
13 The sort of problems the owners ’ party have had on this trip so far are a tap that wo n't stop dripping , a blind that wo n't stay down in one of the bedrooms , eh ? , and a lady who thought one of her suitcases had been stolen , only it turned up in someone else 's room . ’
14 Chapters 5 and 6 have discussed the changes that have been taking place in rural and urban areas and the effects these have had on social structure , poverty and inequality .
15 Obviously , the Maastricht mess has dogged this first year , so it is difficult to assess what impact , if any , the supposedly new caring Major and his cabinet have had on social policy .
16 The aim of the research is to discover what impact the HSW Act 1974 and the SRSC Regs 1977 have had on occupational health and safety in the print industry and to what extent the Robens philosophy has been relevant to joint regulation .
17 The research aims to identify the influence which demographic and housing factors have had on these developments in Britain and their phasing over time .
18 In the past few days ( see News page 1 ) we have had to contradictory testaments to the way psychiatric services are surviving in a post-Griffiths ' world .
19 I do agree that considering the start that Leeds have had to this season we are doing extremely well .
20 Remote rural counties , such as those of mid and north Wales and Cornwall grew at below average rates over both periods until the middle 1970s , since when they have had above average growth .
21 Cost , not quality , ideology not competence , delivery for profit rather than service for people — those are the slogans that we have had from this regime .
22 I saw , and I have had in actual fact , recourse to actually use that service over there , and it 's rather interesting if one can t to say that er in the particular village which I er represent , they actually came up , when I asked a certain question , they gave me a , a , far more than what I actually asked for at the time , but found out who the first village constable was , and I think myself that er , that service over there , it deserves every praise it gets heaped on it .
23 In 1953 , such a territory was alien , almost invisible , a schizo-world of as yet unimagined pleasure ; yet today it is disturbingly familiar , this condition described by Jameson as living ‘ in a perpetual present and in a perpetual change that obliterates traditions of the kind which all earlier social formations have had in one way or another to preserve ’ .
24 And to the consideration which you have had in other cases regarding the character of villages and the acceptance that they preserve the special character of historic York .
25 Numerous questions have been asked in the House about the police national computer , but to my knowledge this is the first opportunity we have had in recent times to discuss wider issues .
26 As the right hon. Gentleman knows , the essential basics to make sure that things are right are to keep inflation down , to keep interest rates down , to have the right tax structure and to continue with the improved industrial relations that we have had in recent years .
27 The mechanism of change , the cultural ‘ instruction ’ as Cloak ( 1975 ) calls it , has much the same function in the historical process as genes have had in biological evolution , but the ‘ instruction ’ in cultural change is usually an acquired behavioural injunction existing in a world of meanings : the cognitive , although not always conscious , appreciation of their social environment by a human community .
28 ‘ We 've got more snow up here and all over the Swiss Alps than we have had in 50 years , ’ said Dr Othmar Buser , whose research centre is perched at 2,660m on the Weissfluhjoch above Davos .
29 This amounts to a form of nationalisation , and represents ‘ the biggest social revolution we have had in this country ’ .
30 The curriculum , based on the 5–14 Programme , follows on from the experiences the children have had in earlier years .
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