Example sentences of "have result in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is for just such situations that the army plans and trains , and many years of trial and error have resulted in a hierarchy in which the number of subordinates at most levels is between 3 and 6 .
2 Chronic under-resourcing of the Home Office 's Asylum Division , and the long-ignored deficiencies of the existing procedures , have resulted in a backlog of more than 60,000 cases .
3 The Act applies only to convictions which have resulted in a sentence of no more than thirty months ' imprisonment , and which have been " spent " — ie a certain period of time has elapsed since the passing of sentence .
4 These changes have all been implemented , and have resulted in a reduction of housing costs on what was the projected level by £450 million in 1988 — 9 .
5 The environmental policies of the Reagan administration have resulted in a resurgence of the American environmental movement — the book explains why in graphic terms .
6 These quirks of fate , combined with Jane Brown 's own enthusiasms ( she is the author of a fine book on the Lutyens-Jekyll partnership ) have resulted in a narrative in which the gardens of the Arts and Crafts movement , a relatively short period between 1890-1914 , get twice the space of the gardens of either the eighteenth or the nineteenth century .
7 Wolpe 's argument is that changes in the labour process have resulted in a disjunction between the skills taught by the education system and the skills ( or , in a sense , lack of skills ) demanded in the labour market .
8 Attempts by both India and China to open their economies in the 1980s have resulted in a tug-of-war between their economic liberals and economic conservatives , which shows every sign of ending either in stalemate or in a victory for the conservatives .
9 Points A and B should be the same , but operator or system errors have resulted in a discrepancy .
10 In the modern post-war period various adjustments within the national system of education have resulted in a succession of controversies regarding the role of English in a democratic society .
11 The author notes the importance of the ‘ Demoiselles d'Avignon ’ exhibition at the Musée Picasso , Paris and ‘ Picasso and Braque : pioneering Cubism ’ at MOMA which took place since the first edition and have resulted in a number of amendments to this version .
12 Efforts to make places more accessible have resulted in a proliferation of signposts , turnstiles , fences , car parks , souvenir shops and snack bars which do nothing to enhance the beauty of an area , but in many cases spoil its character as well as the environment .
13 All these changes have resulted in a situation where the surveyor is faced with a wide range of methods of procurement of building projects and an equally wide , though not necessarily matching , range of contracts with which to deal .
14 In brief , developments in technology have resulted in a situation in which increasing amounts of information are stored and communicated electronically .
15 I have described elsewhere how these Tayloristic techniques have resulted in a situation where factory models are being imposed even on non-alienated work such as that of university professors , whose performance may be assessed by the well-known Frank-Wolfe algorithm .
16 But Mr Salinas 's people are acutely aware that lack of competition and cosiness with the state have resulted in the squandering of billions and led to insufficient capital investment .
17 Quite a few courses have resulted in the formation ( not always by the library admittedly ) of groups which might generically be termed as ‘ Friends of the library ’ which may become formalized and then act as ‘ lobbyists ’ for the public library in that area .
18 [ Gangland is ] isolated from the wider culture of the larger community by the processes of competition and conflict which have resulted in the selection of its population' .
19 Grandiose redevelopment programmes of redundant docks around the country have resulted in the demolition of numerous old warehouses .
20 However , I think that there would be fairly wide agreement that Government actions in north America during recent years have resulted in the proportion of funding coming from north America being greatly diminished .
21 Previous complaints by environmental organisations , like those on drinking water , have resulted in the Government being prosecuted .
22 The chronic trade deficits have resulted in the USA becoming the major debtor country in the sense that other countries ' savings have flowed to the USA , attracted by relatively high rates of interest and the apparent security of investment in the world 's most powerful economy .
23 But perhaps the loss of Speed is the biggest worry , his late runs into the box , power in the air and explosive finishing have resulted in the goals from midfield completely drying up .
24 Discussions with individual scientists have revealed that in such cases , informal contacts between supervisors or departments have resulted in the creation of a network of unofficial and informal loan arrangements , totally outwith the control of the libraries concerned .
25 Traditional methods of school finance have resulted in the LEA having the critical management responses for resource decisions .
26 The various extensions of the franchise during the course of the century , much more radical in numerical terms than the various extensions of the previous century , and the growth in population have resulted in the electorate growing from one of 6,730,935 in 1900 to one of 42,703,019 in 1983 .
27 Complaints from CA , beginning in 1987 , and from the European Bureau of Consumers ' Unions , have resulted in the Commission initiating proceedings against the UK for incorrect translation of the directive .
28 Avoiding any " anthropomorphic " assumptions , observations of the regularity of respiration , open or closed eyes , movements and vocalisation have resulted in the definition of five mutually exclusive syndromes or states which are now widely accepted .
29 Changes in teaching and research methods have resulted in the Arts developing new initiatives in the area of information technology .
30 Packaging , transport and temperature controls have resulted in the growth of industries which are connected with handling and storage , but still those last few feet to the point of consumption remain critical .
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