Example sentences of "have be reported [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which the Sussex population is involved in these movements is unknown , but at least some of our wintering birds move overland , and parties have been reported over Kingley Vale , Eartham , and West Chiltington recently , usually in spring .
2 Several case reports of severe liver damage , some with encephalopathy resembling Reye 's syndrome , have been reported with aspirin usage but these have all been in children .
3 A total of 3054 heart transplantations were reported to the registry of the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation in 1990 , and overall actuarial survival rates at 1 and 5 years have been reported at 90% and 68% respectively .
4 Many other GHOST sightings have been reported at Glamis Castle , including a Grey Lady who haunts the chapel , thought to be the sixth Lady Glamis who was wrongly burned alive as a witch ; a tongueless woman wandering the grounds frantically trying to speak ; a tiny page hovering by the gate ; and the wicked first Lord Glamis , a rake who continues to raise merry hell with his drinking and gambling .
5 In the forty-odd experimental studies that have been reported to date on periods of sleep loss longer than two days , hallucinations have been uncommon , tending to affect individuals in solitary vigils , rather than those in groups .
6 I am pleased to announce that no decompression fatalities have been reported to DDRC this year .
7 The birds nests on the roofs of 81 , 84 , 110 and others have been reported to Messrs. Cresta , and we are assured that these will be attended to .
8 Er , I understand there was problem because of the computer breakdown which caused a certain record to be lost but then I discover that there is no copy of man manual copy of orders sent to the contractors for repairs kept so that having lost the computer record the council do not know what lights have been reported to contractor for repair and then find out the basic clients
9 Nine such cases have been reported to AI since 25 November 1990 .
10 Although low levels ( 1–7% ) of interstrand crosslinking have been reported for cisplatin ( 1 ) it is not possible from the present data to define the sequence specificity of such crosslinks .
11 Furthermore , differences in the EC 5 of up to 1000-fold have been reported for chloroquine between parasites from a single geographical region .
12 Calculations using this minimum sedimentation rate , and taking an average lamina thickness of 100 micrometres , suggests at least annual deposition of mats , although more than one mat layer may have been deposited from a single mat forming event ( concentrations of up to 4.4m -3 have been reported for Rhizosolenia mats ) .
13 Similar values have been reported for tumour tissue .
14 Invariably jet-black and headless ( though sometimes having the heads of human beings ) Black Dogs have been reported for centuries as loping along lanes by ancient churchyards .
15 Difficulties in reaching the bleeding point have been reported in 20% of cases .
16 Many cases of infections after vasectomy operations have been reported in India ( Blaikie 1972 , 1975 ) .
17 So far this month 465 deaths , and more than ten times as many suspected cases , have been reported in Zambia , black Africa 's most urbanised country .
18 Using this method conflicting findings have been reported in studies of diabetic subjects ( Dollery et al , 1979 ; Davis et al , 1981 ) , and it is now generally accepted that there may be considerable non-specific interference in assaying this metabolite in plasma which might explain the different findings ( Greaves & Preston , 1982 ; Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
19 Three cases of severe acute hepatitis have been reported in association with piroxicam .
20 In the meantime the first effects of the diversion have been reported in Hungary .
21 Reductions in both of these measures have been reported in patients following infarction and subgroups at increased risk of sudden death have been reported by both Kleiger and Schwartz .
22 In addition , serum antibodies to gangliosides , particularly monosialoganglioside , have been reported in patients with a variety of neurological conditions and those without neurological disease .
23 In this regard , increased plasma renin activity and decreased renal prostaglandin production have been reported in patients with acute liver failure .
24 Recently , a number of cases of nephrotoxicity have been reported in patients taking delayed release mesalazine .
25 Furthermore , raised plasma ET-1 concentrations and ET-1-induced deposition of collagen by fibroblasts have been reported in patients with scleroderma and systemic sclerosis .
26 Metabolic acidosis , hypocalcaemia , and phosphate retention have been reported in patients with ARF .
27 Less than 1000 cases have been reported in world publications .
28 FIVE new cases of Hepatitis A have been reported in Darlington within the last week , it has been revealed .
29 Dupuytren 's disease arises in 36% of patients infected with HIV , and subcuticular fibrosis nodules with histological appearances similar to Dupuytren 's nodules have been reported in simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome .
30 Raised values of sICAM-1 have been reported in samples of patients with melanoma , rheumatoid arthritis , systemic lupus erythematosus , metastatic cancer , and acute urolithiasis .
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