Example sentences of "have [art] right to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After such suffering I have the right to happiness , but my mind is in revolt , and my burning protest is only the cry of my soul to hasten the revelations of truth and justice .
2 All viewers have the right to freedom of expression regarding television channels whether these are publicly or privately owned , regional , national or transnational .
3 We believe all parents have the right to choice in education — not only those who can afford school fees .
4 All nations have the right to self-determination
5 ‘ Consumers have the right to food of the highest standards , and farmers ’ interests are surely best served by producing such food to meet consumer demand , ’ she concluded .
6 The Report by the Council of Chief State School Officers of the US referred to the economic imperative of quality education for all ; it is more than that — all young people have the right to quality education .
7 If it appeals to the principle that people have a right to compensation from those who injure them carelessly as its reason why manufacturers are liable for defective automobiles , it must give full effect to that principle in deciding whether accountants are liable for their mistakes as well .
8 Given its basic anti-absolutist thought that , whether within or without political society , men have a right to life , liberty , and possessions , it can be seen as a kind of picturesque metaphor which , in explaining the structure of legitimate political authority , reveals it to be based in the consent of the governed .
9 We 've heard the voice of the Party professionals , we 've heard the voice of the Labour leadership , now let's all speak on behalf of the ordinary trade unionists and say with all the force that is necessary on behalf of those millions , men and women , young and old , we support the Party , we pay for the Party , we have a right to democracy in the Party because never forget it is our Party too , I move .
10 All viewers have a right to television awareness education from primary studies to university level .
11 He states that ‘ the argument that all individuals have a right to privacy ( that is to say , freedom from observation , investigation and subsequent publication based on the investigation ) is strong but should be qualified when applied to the police ’ .
12 Someone who believes that abortion is murder will think that the checkerboard abortion statute produces more injustice than outright prohibition and less than outright license ; someone who believes women have a right to abortion reverses these judgments .
13 She also seems to think some of the younger girls in the office have no right to thoughts of their own .
14 They have no right to jury trial , and they have to prove that the words were false ( in libel , the burden of proving that the words are true is on the defendant ) , that the words were published maliciously and that they were likely to cause financial loss .
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