Example sentences of "have [verb] to [art] conclusion " in BNC.

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1 Much less satisfactory , however , is the harsh rule that holds a writer responsible for unintentional defamation , where readers have jumped to a conclusion which was never intended .
2 There might be regrets over giving up the novel , but after having been deeply interested in that form for many years ( even to the extent of writing one ) and often teaching courses on the novel , I have come to the conclusion that the pedagogic difficulties involved are extreme .
3 American officials say that , after a year 's careful thought , the new democracies of Eastern Europe have come to the conclusion that NATO is a splendid thing : a watchdog against any future Soviet attempt to re-establish hegemony over Eastern and Central Europe ( see page 47 ) .
4 Last night , while sitting doing my ration of embroidery , I thought of what we had been talking about — the paying guest , and have come to the conclusion that you ought not to undertake such a responsibility as you have had such a difficult time in one way and another with sickness and trouble .
5 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
6 Having grown up under the nose of the Israeli war machine , young Palestinians have come to the conclusion that , in the world they inhabit , might is right and the only way to survive and flourish is to be strong and violent .
7 Many of them have come to the conclusion that the role and atmosphere of the station large and small is essentially ecclesiastical .
8 Regrettably we have come to the conclusion that whoever made the decision to refuse Mr Warner access at 4.45 pm was very probably motivated by a desire to have one last chance of interviewing the appellant in the absence of a solicitor .
9 PS After reading this through , I have come to the conclusion that I am a racehorse .
10 I have come to the conclusion that the temples of the idols in England should not on any account be destroyed .
11 Scientists have been measuring the tide at Burnham-on-Sea , jotting down hours of sunlight , measuring the temperature to 14 decimal places and they have come to the conclusion that water levels could rise by a foot over the next 40 years .
12 That correspondence got no further and I have come to the conclusion that either they all recognise my name , or else there is a conspiracy !
13 Having recently re-read my own , I have come to the conclusion that diaries furnish the perfect vehicle for self-deception and self-enhancement , provided that , in later years , the reader/writer is incapable of reading between the lines or unable to remember what has been left unsaid .
14 Through reorganizing my course material over the last five years I have come to the conclusion that there is no one definitive structure for the study of electronic publishing .
15 ( An aside : After over 20 years of climbing in the Peak District I have come to the conclusion that the upper pitch of Valkyrie sees more epics than almost any other .
16 There is an alternative to either of these courses which may be worth considering and that is that the Government should take the line that they have come to the conclusion that , while some restriction ought to be made in the infliction of the death penalty , the time has not yet come for its complete abolition .
17 ‘ It is certainly a polygon , and our historians , experts and researchers have come to the conclusion that it has 24 sides and is 100ft in diameter . ’
18 I have come to the conclusion myself that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home market .
19 I have come to the conclusion I was wrong .
20 Most lion-watchers have come to the conclusion that the effect , when it happens , is a fortuitous one and that there is no predetermined strategy by which one or more lionesses take the job of driving while others deliberately wait in ambush .
21 ‘ I am afraid I have come to the conclusion , reluctantly , that the different people and races of the world were never intended to meet .
22 I have come to the conclusion that the law of libel is one and the same as to all plaintiffs ; and that , in every action of libel , whether the statement complained of is , or is not , a libel , depends on the same question — viz. , whether the jury are of opinion that what has been published with regard to the plaintiff would tend in the minds of people of ordinary sense to bring the plaintiff into contempt , hatred , or ridicule , or to injure his character .
23 ‘ … I have come to the conclusion that the law of libel is one and the same as to all plaintiffs ; and that , in every action of libel , whether the statement complained of is , or is not , a libel , depends on the same question — viz. , whether the jury are of opinion that what has been published with regard to the plaintiff would tend in the minds of people of ordinary sense to bring the plaintiff into contempt , hatred , or ridicule , or to injure his character .
24 Consequently , from the authorities to which I have referred above and a number of decisions in other common law jurisdictions which we have been invited to consider , I have come to the conclusion that there is no difference in principle between a trading company and a non-trading corporation for the purposes of suing in tort , including the tort of defamation .
25 However , I have come to the conclusion that this order can not stand .
26 In all the circumstances of this case I have come to the conclusion that on balance the children 's interests are better served by their being allowed to remain in England pending a determination by the High Court , in the exercise of its wardship jurisdiction , as to their future and whether it be in England or Australia .
27 ‘ Nevertheless , I have come to the conclusion , after much hesitation , that Mr. O'Brien did falsely represent to her that the charge was limited to secure £60,000 and that it would be released in a short time , when the £60,000 had been raised by remortgage .
28 For all these reasons I have come to the conclusion , and I hold , that section 39 does override the injunction .
29 For all these reasons , I have come to the conclusion , and I hold , that the banks have failed to bring themselves within article 5(1) .
30 For these reasons I have come to the conclusion and I hold , that the banks have failed to bring their case within article 5(3) .
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