Example sentences of "have [verb] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 With several modifications , such varied anthropologists as D. Forde [ 1948 ] , M. Fortes ] 1953 ] , and M. Sahlins [ 1961 ] have given support to the view that segmentary systems , the modern anthropological equivalent of Morgan 's ‘ gentile systems ’ , seem to occur in societies with similar technologies and they are by and large of the type postulated in The Origin .
2 Similarly , the prevention of further episodes of self-poisoning or self-injury continues to be a problem , and while retrospective investigations have given support to the policy of psychiatric intervention , prospective studies have failed to demonstrate any effect on repetition rates .
3 He is scathing in his attacks on those French politicians , journalists and writers who " have collaborated in word and deed with the policies of Hitler " , and who " at critical moments have given support to the guiding principles of these policies : antisemitism , anti-communism , anti-democracy , hegemonic mission of the Reich in Europe , national-socialist " pacifism " .
4 We also have to provide support for the A N C for thirty years a banned organization having to start from scratch in a country where the majority is supported but having no party officers or structures in place because if we suspend support to them or reduce it it will be like having no support of them all this time and just when the bird is about to fly you clip its wings .
5 To do both these we have to find support for the idea .
6 In all other cases we have to find support in the literature , in what other people have done or in our own experience .
7 We have in the past raised this through the er Association of County Councils in the education side , with and we , there was quite a lot of support , and also have had support in the past from er , Kenneth Carlyle and Douglas Howe erm who were , supported the view , er which was particularly in relation to youth training , as this is more adult training we 're talking about here .
8 In the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe the ending of the Cold War and the subsequent loss of central government authority have generated support for the claims of ethno-cultural nationalist movements .
9 Although the polls show the Liberal Democrats have gained support during the campaign , 20 per cent is well short of the breakthrough Mr Ashdown has been seeking .
10 In the past our comedy shows have gained support from the Independent and the Guardian , both of which have sponsored the infamous Secret Policeman 's Balls .
11 Could I firstly start by thanking those delegates who after Congress yesterday have expressed support about the two rule changes that we lost and to give some encouragement to new delegates here that even if you get up here and you lose it , there 's some one hell of a lot of support out there on the floor .
12 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
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