Example sentences of "were represent at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Almost all 28 teams were represented at the do .
2 The IDA were represented at the press conference by John Gannon , the IDA 's Executive Director , and Thomas Linehan , its Regional Manager for Cork .
3 A range of projects funded by ESRC as part of its AIDS initiative were represented at the seminar , as were projects funded by other organisations .
4 The Essex group consists of 17 Young Farmers Clubs , and all were represented at the show .
5 More than 70 companies were represented at the launch which was chaired by Wedgwood Group director of human resources George Stonier .
6 ‘ I write to confirm that on 5 October 1989 you were represented at the hearing to oppose the plaintiff being granted an injunction preventing you from selling the property .
7 A copy of the initial writ requires to be served on ( 1 ) the clerk of the licensing board and ( 2 ) all parties who appeared or were represented at the hearing including the applicant if the appeal is by an objector , at the same time as the initial writ is lodged with the sheriff clerk or as soon as may be thereafter ( para. 3,5.1. 197711622 .
8 The court took the view that the case raised issues that were sufficiently difficult , as could be seen from the fact that the parties were represented at the hearing by counsel , to justify the decision that the procedure had been an arbitration .
9 Eight European countries were represented at the meeting , and apart from the official business conducted there , it was extremely useful to chat informally about matters of common interest .
10 For the first time the Soviet Union and China were represented at the meeting .
11 Over 75 organizations were represented at the meeting in Durban , including the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and the Labour Party , which held the majority of seats in the House of Representatives ( the chamber for Coloured people in the tricameral parliament — see p. 36880 for 1989 election ) .
12 For the first time the Soviet Union and China were represented at the meeting .
13 Some 40 countries or international banks were represented at the meeting , which was attended by an Israeli delegation and a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation led by Zein Mayassi , a " diaspora Palestinian " , but boycotted by Syria and Lebanon , both of which had also boycotted the May round of multilaterals .
14 Dozens of popular tourist spots across the world were represented at the exhibition which ran for five days .
15 All 17 members of the Iraqi National Joint Action Committee ( INJAC ) formed in Damascus in December 1990 [ see p. 37927 ] were represented at the conference .
16 Over 50 forest peoples were represented at the conference , which was co-ordinated by the World Rainforest Movement .
17 All the winning breweries were represented at the ceremony held in Doggets Coat and Badge , Blackfriars .
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