Example sentences of "were able [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A passing police car and two neighbours alerted the fire brigade and firefighters were able to save the building from being gutted .
2 As well as attending a safety briefing , they were able to view a helicopter which was kitted out for a medical evacuation operation and to see LASMO 's own computerised offshore personnel tracking system in action .
3 In the course of the MINSE project , comments had also been made to the effect that , although OICs were able to purchase a microcomputer if there were sufficient funds available , little thought had been given to how these might be applied , or to the staff training needs .
4 If the rulers of Rheged were able to preserve a role as Oswiu 's allies , this may have directed the main thrust of the Bernician attack on British territory at this time towards the Forth .
5 We 'd received a tip-off about a shipment of cocaine due in at Nice aboard a South American freighter , so when it was unloaded we were able to apprehend the gang without much of a struggle .
6 However , 95% of authorities were able to state an amount , or estimate an amount , quite specifically .
7 The Purnells and their supporters owned land on the proposed route of the canal and were able to delay the construction , as well as ultimately extract the highest price paid for any of the land between the Severn and Stroud .
8 A long time since you were able to ease the burden of your sins . ’
9 did did do you think you you were able to form a judgement of people on the basis of your experience ?
10 In 1956 a newly formed party , the National Socialists , who sought greater economic as well as political freedom , were able to form a coalition with the Ba'athists and Communists to assume government .
11 ‘ Why was it that men , management and union together , were able to use the union to control women 's wages ? ’
12 In addition to LTS 's impressive on-site equipment and services on view at the opening , the guests were able to see a 11.6-megawatt , 172-tonne mobile power generating plant , one of three currently owned by LTS .
13 Where they reported that they were able to see the present as better , existing symptoms were lower than average .
14 Visitors were able to see the versatility of design and product range by a display which portrayed the four themes of shipping , hotel and leisure , pubs and commercial interiors .
15 They were able to see the ring 's structure because of the Space Telescope 's high resolution — that is , its ability to discern very fine detail .
16 While it was unrealistic to expect one practitioner , with such limited practice , to make a significant difference to the workload of the department , it was possible to identify patients whose waiting time had been shortened because they were able to see an ENP .
17 The evidence he has collected shows that working people of the last century were able to hold an image of society from their own experience and so articulate a political consciousness .
18 Doe 's forces put up stiffer resistance to the rebel groupings than was expected , and were able to hold the area of Monrovia around the heavily fortified executive mansion .
19 In Figure 6.6 , we were able to represent the function unc as an augmented Phillips curve .
20 We were able to confirm a total of 2O5 of his words in the Collins dictionary and Oxford English Dictionary , including ‘ sot ’ — an habitual drunkard , and ‘ bros ’ — a type of porridge [ surely a defunct pop group — Ed ] .
21 They were able to give a description .
22 They were able to give a description .
23 In both mental and written parallel tests more pupils were able to give the temperature in Celsius than in Fahrenheit .
24 Table 4.6 takes all those who were able to give an answer at both first and second assessments ( third assessment is omitted as numbers able to give an answer on all three occasions were very small ) , and compares the action and control samples on : the number who admitted to worrying in the past month ; said they had been sad or depressed ; said they had often been lonely ; and admitted to being not very or not at all happy ( for analysis of all items in the depression scale used in the interviews see Lindesay & Murphy , 1988 ) .
25 The bank finally agreed to loan sixteen thousand pounds for the business plus overdraught facilities and a further nine thousand pounds secured on our client 's home repayable over five years , any further mortgage over a future was to be arranged elsewhere and my Lord er will hear that in fact the , having the sale of their home having been completed on the fifth of December the plaintiffs were then homeless for some three months living with their daughter until such times as they were able to arrange a mortgage on their present property with the Halifax .
26 Twelve hours after the fire started , police and fire fighters were able to recover the man 's body from burnt out cottage at Pamington near Tewkesbury .
27 Twelve hours after the fire started , police and fire fighters were able to recover the man 's body from burnt out cottage at Pamington near Tewkesbury .
28 Above 50% of infants and toddlers were able to discontinue the laxative after three to four months .
29 They stood much closer to the mainstream of political thinking in the working-class movement than the Marxists and were able to tap a tradition of radicalism which extended back to the Chartists of the previous century and further .
30 For most of the men , it was the only day of the year when they were able to visit a town , spending their days as they did working on the isolated farms of the moors and dales .
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