Example sentences of "were able [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances , the tensions apparent within the philosophies of life available in the nineteenth century were able to perpetuate themselves into the twentieth .
2 The seventeen pensioners who were able to join us for the annual get-together enjoyed themselves immensely and are already looking forward to next year 's trip !
3 We were also delighted that so many employees and their families were able to join us in the evening after the opening ceremony to look around the plant for the first time .
4 The one indisputable fact these studies revealed is that the majority of those interviewed were not familiar with the extent of , or damage caused by , corporate crime and amongst the ‘ knowledgeable ’ minority , few were able to define it with any precision .
5 Fortunately , her relatives were able to move her to another home which was cheaper : that is an increasingly common practice .
6 We had the NWN report of those six points and were able to give it to him .
7 And it was a year in which we were able to declare ourselves to be a good research and teaching university .
8 Although judicial business was conducted in English and followed procedure alien to pre-British Sri Lanka , people were able to adapt themselves to the new institutions and the courts soon handled a very heavy criminal and civil load .
9 Such a statement is misleading , because it seems to imply that the Tories were Jacobites at heart ; in fact , most Tories were able to accommodate themselves to the break in the succession which had taken place in 1688 – 9 .
10 He is surprisingly slow to begin talking , but a good walker , and we were able to take him to the canal where there were ducks , swans , horses and icy puddles to interest him , so that was fine .
11 Three days later , on 23rd. , the Stukas returned to the skies over Malta , and on this occasion the defences were able to engage them without undue fighter interference , although Plt.Off .
12 But the fact that he 's a born racer , I mean I know him quite well , I 've seen him around a lot , I would talk to him a lot , so would other colleagues here , every race since that decision , I think without trying , he persuaded himself , we were able to persuade him without trying too hard that maybe he should reconsider ; I think time did the rest .
13 This is due largely to the fact that doctors were able to organize themselves into a professional group before the state intervened in medicine and became a major employer of medical practitioners .
14 Because we reinterviewed the same people at different times throughout the year , we were able to divide them into persistent readers of Tory tabloids , persistent readers of Labour tabloids , persistent readers of broadsheets and , finally , those who changed papers or read no paper regularly .
15 The players were tired , sure , but were able to lift themselves for one-off tests against South Africa .
16 We spent two summer holidays and three Christmases at the melin before at last we were able to claim it for our own occupation .
17 Thank you for the silk , glad you were able to wrest it from the Governor before he set off to Lepcis Magna with it .
18 We had to pick our way down and scale a different shoulder of cliff before we were able to lower ourselves to where Father lay .
19 And you know if we were able to commit ourselves to two public , two meetings , three meetings of some sort in a year where we 're actually gon na do something and present some sort of front Par part of presenting some sort of front is to try to sell a few bits of pieces if we 're prepared to accept that we 're going to lose money .
20 The cement was freezing before we were able to apply it to the bricks .
21 His work demonstrates that an older person was much more likely to be taken into the household of a relative if they were able to contribute something in return , for example doing domestic work , or looking after children while their mother went out to a job .
22 What if , by her doing nothing , they were able to convince him of her treachery and turn him against her for ever ?
23 Although the language was a bit complicated you were able to understand it after a while through the actors way of raising and lowering their voices .
24 The day-to-day operation of power stations remained under the control of the six National Grid Control Centres , which ( now they were freed from the financial provisions which had governed their relationship to the independent undertakings ) were able to run them in a more efficient merit order , reducing the cost of generation .
25 He had not expected that they would be worshipped like gods , but on a world where technological ability excited only minimal interest , all of them were at a considerable disadvantage until they were able to prove themselves against local standards of performance .
26 The general health of older people might be improved if they were able to rid themselves of the many ageist attitudes that surround the issue , and were able to feel more positive about their health prospects .
27 And he might bear in mind that muddled dispositions in his will could somehow be validated if the jurists were able to construe them as trusts .
28 The enzymes are specialized proteins which enable the body to carry out at body heat and atmospheric pressure complex reactions which , if man were able to reproduce them at all , would require high temperatures and high pressures to accomplish .
29 He was looking at outdoor cold stress and we were able to tell him about the extent of the particular housing problem in Scotland and how people could only afford to heat one room .
30 They were able to rescue him from the slurry within 15 minutes .
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