Example sentences of "were [adv] responsible for the " in BNC.

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1 He smiled , as if he were personally responsible for the perfection of those measurements .
2 They cooked , made clothes and were generally responsible for the upkeep of the family .
3 All that shows beyond reasonable doubt that eggs were not responsible for the increase in food poisoning , which has gone up 36 per cent this year , despite an overall 24 per cent drop in egg consumption and the 700,000 birds slaughtered .
4 The traditional justification for lower wages for women was always that they were not responsible for the livelihood of a household .
5 It was they , with the largest of the teachers ' unions , the NUT , who were largely responsible for the establishment of the Schools Council , to advise and experiment in respect of curricular content .
6 Magritte buyers are serious collectors , rather than the speculative buyers who were largely responsible for the rise and fall in prices of other European twentieth-century artists over the past few years .
7 The head of the Council , Louis Roy , had repeatedly criticized Pascal-Trouillot 's unwillingness to take action against supporters of the Duvaliers — the family whose 30-year dictatorship was overthrown in 1986 — who were largely responsible for the prevailing climate of political violence .
8 A report published on Oct. 24 by the independent Community Agency for Social Enquiry concluded that Inkatha and the police were largely responsible for the violence in the Transvaal between July 1990 and July 1991 .
9 Those for whom this idea is a novelty may be surprised to learn that it was the writings and political practice of a Marxist , and a communist militant at that , which were largely responsible for the present currency of this view among radical thinkers .
10 The report says that court investigations established that the security forces were directly responsible for the massacre , which was believed to be directed against supporters of the left-wing party , the Patriotic Union .
11 Statistically significant differences were found in choice of topical application between doctors and nurses ( p<0.001 ) : DNs were usually responsible for the selection of paste bandages , unmedicated tulles and simple dry dressings , but doctors made the decision to use antibiotics/cortisones more often than nurses .
12 In June 1883 he was appointed as parliamentary secretary to the Local Government Board ; his investigations of the London slums were partly responsible for the appointment of a royal commission on the housing of the poor in 1884 .
13 Finally the new adverts themselves were partly responsible for the revival of early 1960s soul music in the late 1980s .
14 This school was built in 1609 and run by the Barnabites who were also responsible for the church .
15 Mason Grand Masters were also responsible for the founding and structure of one of Europe 's largest occult societies , the Ordo Templi Orientis ( OTO ) in 1902 .
16 The recession and a drop in interest rates were also responsible for the dive .
17 The sisters were also responsible for the bowls of flowers which appear throughout the house .
18 They were also responsible for the reliefs decorating the campanile of the cathedral in Split .
19 In his notable achievement , Gavin discovered that apart from surface tension ( already known ) other components were also responsible for the remarkable adhesion , namely viscosity in wet adhesion , and that each pad was gently peeled away when movement occured .
20 Thus , differences in the dietary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids between the three experimental groups were probably responsible for the variances noted in the resistance of the duodenal mucosa to acid .
21 IRA terrorists were probably responsible for the two successive nights of blasts on Tyneside , a police chief said today .
22 Widows , deserted wives and unmarried mothers were usually able-bodied , but were often responsible for the care of dependent children .
23 But it would be a distortion to suggest that de Gaulle and his agents were solely responsible for the eventual unification .
24 The perversity of the decision should not detract from the flaws it appeared to expose in sport 's crusade to eradicate drug abuse , nor the manner in which it showed that financial considerations were as responsible for the debacle as the gross ineptitude of the DLV .
25 What Thucydides means is that the Spartans were immediately responsible for the breaking of the treaty/libations — but that Athenian dynamism was behind it all .
26 And these high exchange rates and interest rates were particularly responsible for the 1980 collapse of manufacturing production in the UK .
27 This incomprehension applies to all parties : in a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll , 58% of respondents thought that all ethnic groups in ex-Yugoslavia were equally responsible for the fighting , and another 21% were not sure who was responsible .
28 Moreover , it was improvements in peasant husbandry that were primarily responsible for the growth .
29 The media projected a view that the pickets were primarily responsible for the violence at Grunwick , adding to the clamour to curb mass picketing .
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