Example sentences of "were [verb] yesterday [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Jobless er tory jobless figures were exposed yesterday as a fraud .
2 CABBIES earning big tips helping to ferry stolen property away from break-ins were targeted yesterday in a series of police raids .
3 LIVERPOOL 'S hopes of a European reprieve were shattered yesterday at a FIFA meeting in Switzerland .
4 A 15-YEAR-OLD girl died and four other people were injured yesterday in a head-on car crash near Halber-ton , Devon .
5 SWEEPING changes to the regulation of the press , including legal aid for libel actions , compensation for press intrusion and a powerful new law on privacy , were proposed yesterday by a cross-party committee of MPs .
6 These expansion moves were announced yesterday alongside a 22 per cent rise in Devenish 's profit to £14million for the year to September 30 .
7 TOP STORES were slammed yesterday after a third of their ham was found to be contaminated with food bugs .
8 NIGEL LAWSON 'S problems with the Tory conference were aggravated yesterday by a scathing front-page attack in the pro-Tory Daily Mail .
9 THREE vigilantes who took the law into their own hands after a burglary were convicted yesterday after a man they confronted was killed on his own doorstep .
10 Details of the plans were outlined yesterday at a conference in London on offshore installation work organised by the Institute of Marine Engineers and the Royal Institution of Naval Architects .
11 BRITONS were banned yesterday from a campsite near the Munich beer festival .
12 Administrative blunders and a four-year delay in settling the dispute were described yesterday as a scandal by union leaders involved in the battle .
13 The last moments of Johnathan Ball , the three-year-old victim of the bombing , were described yesterday by a nurse who cradled him in her arms as he died .
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