Example sentences of "n't fall [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I probably would have stayed longer if I had n't fallen in love with Isobel .
2 Surely the marquis has n't fallen in love with her as well . "
3 ‘ But I 'm surprised some rich gentleman has n't fallen in love with her .
4 At least we know it did n't fall through lack of effort .
5 Mother , mind you do n't fall off edge of that bed !
6 ‘ You must n't fall in love with me … it 's no use — yes , do !
7 She 's travelling on the same train as you , but do n't fall in love with her . ’
8 You ca n't fall in love with heroes .
9 You did n't fall in love with someone in the space of a few days , just because you 'd finally succumbed to the lures of sex , or lust , or whatever had overwhelmed her ever since he 'd fished her out of the sea that first night …
10 I ca n't fall in love with you again because I 've never been out of love with you ! ’
11 What woman would n't fall in love with him ?
12 but when I went in the other week , they all sit in a circle like that , then there 's a space and the teacher stands there and she was telling a story about the independent princess who does n't fall in love with the prince in the end , it was a quite funny story
13 I know I could n't fall in love without knowing it .
14 One does n't fall in love in five seconds ; but five seconds can set one dreaming of falling in love , especially in a community as unrelievedly masculine as that of the Lord Byron School .
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