Example sentences of "an answer to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you get an improper fraction as an answer to a problem you should always change it to a mixed number .
2 It is bad style to begin an answer to a problem by citing a string of cases .
3 The idea of town planning was something that presented itself as an answer to a problem or group of problems which had arisen in contemporary urban life ’ ( Ashworth , 1954 ) .
4 ‘ It is an answer to a prayer I had stopped praying , ’ Wilson said , ‘ and you , not God , have answered it . ’
5 So when the advert for the Rose Bowl had appeared in the trade Press it had seemed like an answer to a prayer .
6 A tall , thin man stood staring at a stone wall , as if waiting for an answer to a question he had put to it .
7 If you come across an answer to a question that does n't fit the headings you 've already got , summarise that answer and write it on the master sheet : thereafter put a tally mark against it every time an answer fits it .
8 But when it comes to saying , ‘ It 's afternoon ’ on the Sun the evaporation/solar-flares analogy is being advanced , not in order to justify an answer to a question of fact that arises within the language-game , but in order to justify an extension of the language-game we have on Earth to the Sun .
9 This suggests an answer to a question which has troubled international political economists since the early 1970s : what happens when the hegemon needed for hegemonic stability begins to decline ?
10 There there are three of us er , that is Mr Allenby Mr Heselton and me looking for an answer to a question which was about
11 Such consent would not be an answer to a charge of assault , and the policy reasons that forbid consenting adults to engage in fighting for the purposes of assault should apply equally in the case of an affray .
12 Jacques Savary , one of Europe 's leading 17th century commercial lawyers illustrated in an answer to a consultation ( Parere ) , the importance of the captain 's public fiduciary role .
13 You have run after me to find out this thing as if it were just an answer to a riddle , or a joke which you remembered half of .
14 ( 1 ) Is the ex turpi causa defence available as an answer to a claim to contribution under the Act of 1978 ?
15 In my judgment the ex turpi causa defence is not available as an answer to a claim for contribution under the Act of 1978 .
16 But a happy , ordinary family with an answer to every problem ?
17 Nobody quite has an answer to the question ‘ why Labour for the Nineties ? ’ .
18 The really significant change in divorce , in terms of both law and behaviour , has taken place in the twentieth century ; and as Stone devotes only forty of his 422 pages to a consideration of the period after 1857 , he essentially precludes an answer to the question he poses , namely , why divorce has become as common as taxes and death .
19 It is no more than a consistent point of view , which has the advantage that , if we accept it , we can stop arguing about whether feelings are causes of actions , and can get on with finding out how our brains work , without fearing that an answer to the question would make free will an illusion .
20 He suppressed the urge to respond , to tease an answer to the question out of himself .
21 It is an answer to the question ‘ why ? ’
22 If they were to try to give an answer to the question at the head of this section , they would probably try to give a general account of factors which encourage or discourage chickens from crossing roads .
23 In effect , it is as if the woman making the bar magnets suddenly realized that there were more questions to be asked about her job ; that pressing the button was not really much of an answer to the question ‘ How do you make magnets ? ’
24 Before he finished writing the book , someone gave him an answer to the question .
25 It is as if one is seeking to give an answer to the question : What advantage does morality bring ?
26 We think we should not accept ‘ I like Auntie Kate ’ as a valid communication unless we allow for an answer to the question , ‘ How does he know ? ’ or ‘ What observation justifies him in saying that ? ’
27 This past mental act of meaning is a grammatical fiction , but it seems more like fact when it provides the material for an answer to the question , ‘ What does the word ‘ mean ’ stand for ? ’
28 We do not have , in just an effect , such an answer to the question of why a causal circumstance occurred .
29 They are relevant to what the speaker wishes to provide as an answer to the question , given the particular hearer he has .
30 Speaker D's response at the end of this fragment is , in effect , an answer to the question which speaker C originally intended him to answer .
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