Example sentences of "an [noun sg] to improve [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It offers an opportunity to improve the environment of the United Kingdom generally , by taking traffic off the roads and by diverting some of the airline traffic which causes such congestion because the link will probably provide an equally fast alternative route to the continent .
2 We have an opportunity to improve the environment of our towns and cities by ensuring that freight is taken off our roads .
3 It was an experiment in participatory research to pursue , uproot and interpret certain facts by non-specialised research workers who were motivated by a personal involvement in the land-related issues of their home areas , in an attempt to improve the structure of their society .
4 Relics were also important in the contemporary French peace movement , being prominently displayed at the large and enthusiastic public gatherings organised by bishops in an attempt to improve the state of public order ; they possibly found similar use in England , where the national assemblies of Æthelred II may occasionally have resembled continental peace meetings .
5 Similar tactics have after all been deployed in the USA in respect of civil libertarian , social welfare and environmental issues , and more recently in Britain as part of an attempt to improve the position of recipients of state welfare benefits and other disadvantaged groups ( Prosser , 1983 ; Scheingold , 1974 ) .
6 When Nixon was forced to resign from the American presidency in 1974 , his administration was embarked on an attempt to improve the responsiveness of the American bureaucracy which , while not illegal , led to cries of outrage from his liberal enemies .
7 I hear that Nicolas Thompson has been doing the rounds of literary agents in an attempt to improve the image of Reed Consumer Books among the agenting community .
8 Ironically , the introduction of the SERP scheme did represent an attempt to improve the pension position of widows and other women .
9 But some councils acknowledged that their procedures contributed to the oppression and undertook to make changes in an attempt to improve the material conditions of people in those oppressed groups .
10 The move was widely interpreted as an attempt to improve the prospects of the Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) winning a further term of office in the next general election , due by mid-1993 .
11 We may see in this encouragement of scholars not only an attempt to improve the status of the realm , but a genuine curiosity for learning on the part of Charles himself .
12 Schools are not static institutions , and good schools have always questioned their practice in an attempt to improve the quality of their provision .
13 Since the article was published , a number of schemes have been set up in an attempt to improve the quality of child minding .
14 The editing bench becomes more crowded as the basic set-up is expanded to include an edit controller , which is used to operate both video machines automatically , and an enhancer to improve the picture quality of the transfer .
15 An initiative to improve the skills of local film makers was also piloted .
16 HEALTH service leaders are backing an initiative to improve the health and wellbeing of 45,000 NHS staff in Merseyside and Cheshire .
17 Derek Keys , chair of the mining corporation Gencor , was appointed Minister of Trade , Industry and Economic Co-ordination in a move seen as an effort to improve the credibility of his government 's economic policies .
18 In an effort to improve the competitiveness of the fishing industry , the government announced a devaluation of the króna by 1.5 per cent on May 10 , 1989 , the third in 1989 [ see also p. 36430 ] .
19 The forint was devalued by 5.8 per cent from Nov. 8 , in an effort to improve the competitiveness of Hungarian products abroad .
20 A second convention met in July 1833 and in an effort to improve the bill had a delegation denounce apprenticeship to Stanley 's face and managed to unite behind a Buxton amendment that apprenticeship should be for no longer than was required for the welfare of the slave .
21 The Group has taken on more than 30 schools in the mining communities in an effort to improve the standard of education among the disadvantaged groups of the community .
22 A jury 's been told that the former manager and chairman of Swindon Town cheated the taxman in an effort to improve the club 's playing staff .
23 It is not necessary to add this endorsement where the policyholder has installed an alarm to improve the security without us insisting on it .
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